Chapter 31: Dinner

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Luke's POV

"Luke! Ally! 1 hour till we leave!" I hear mum call on us from down the hall as I open my eyes they land on my beautiful girl who is still sleeping in my arms, I know I have to wake her up but she really doesn't like to be woken up but it has to be done so I do it in a way that I know she will definitely love "When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, Cause you're amazing just the way you are. When you smile the whole world stops and stares for awhile cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are" I sing, yet still Ally's eyes stay closed so I start to wake her up the only other way that I know how "Allyyyyy, come on baby. Please wake up.. we need to leave in one hour" She stirs slightly in her sleep but still doesn't wake, I start to kiss her lips then start moving down to her neck "Luke.. stop it.." she says sleepily so I give her a little love bite "Lucas! Robert! Hemmings! You did not!" She squeals rushing out of my arms and into the bathroom to have a look at the damage I had done "You better hope to god that I can cover that with make up!" she says sternly looking back at me and surely enough as she started heading back to where I was laying there it was "My family will love it baby" I wink at her "No, it's getting covered" She laughs and rushes back to the mirror looking for some make up to cover it. "Babe you need to start getting ready" Ally says looking at me as "And what if I don't want to?" I challenge "Lucas.. No kisses for 2 days if you don't" She smirks and with that I rush out of bed and over to where she was standing in the bathroom. I wrap my hands around around her waist and turn her around so that she was facing me "I could never.. ever handle that" I smile looking into her beautiful blue eyes, she gladly returned the favour. We started leaning in and as our lips met I could feel fireworks just as I did every time we kissed, I smile through the kiss and I can feel her do the same, as we pull away we both smile at each other "I love you so so fucking much" I say "Hey no swearing!" She laughs "and I love you so so fucking much too" She winks "Hey!" I laugh. "Leaving in 5!" Mum yells from down the hall "Alright! Thanks mum!" I yell back "Ally, you ready?" I ask my beautiful girlfriend "Yeah babe" she replies walking out in high waisted denim shorts, black vans, a white crop top and my flannel over the top of that "Jesus baby.. you look.. incredible" I smile in admiring her "Aww thank you Lukey" She blushes and kisses my cheek "You look incredibly handsome tonight" She smiles running a hand through my hair "Thank you very much baby girl" I kiss her cheek. I take Ally's hand and lead her out of our room and down the hall to where mum and dad were waiting "You both look amazing" Mum smiles looking at both Ally and I "Thanks mum" I smile at her "Thank you Liz" Ally smiles at her "Let's go, go hop in the car you two" Liz says opening the front door for Ally and I. Ally and I walk out to the car and get into the back so mum or dad can drive, I open the door for Ally and let her get in first then I get in and shut the door. I grab Ally's hand interlacing our fingers, I start rubbing my thumb up and down her hand because I can see that she is nervous and she smiles and rests her head on my shoulder.

Ally's POV

As we are in the car I look out the window at the gorgeous Sydney view "Beautiful isn't it?" Luke whispers into my ear placing his hand on my thigh "Very" I smile looking at him "Just like you" he smiles back and kisses my cheek which causes me to blush. We soon arrived at the restaurant and we got out of the car, Luke and I walked hand in hand into the restaurant which was named the bucket list pretty cool name if you ask me. As Luke lead me through the restaurant and towards where his family was I could see it wasn't just going to be Luke's mum, dad and brothers but Also his cousins, Aunty and uncle which to Luke's facial expressions he looked as if he had no idea they were going to be here either but honestly all I've wanted to do is meet Luke's family so it doesn't bother me one bit. All of Luke's family was so pleased to have him home and very quickly welcomed me into their family as well. "Lukeyyy, can you help us draw pweasee" two of Luke's younger cousins Hayden and Zoe came up to him and asked "Sure kiddos" Luke said smiling and patting his lap so they could both have a seat, as I sat their watching Luke interact with Zoe and Hayden, Zoe suddenly whispered something into Luke's ear and he whispered back, he then turns to me "Hey babe, Zoe thinks that you are beautiful and was wondering if she could come sit with you" he smiles "Of course she can" I smile at Luke then at Zoe, she jumps off Luke's lap and comes and sits on mine instead "You're rwlly pretty" she smiles at me "So are you princess" I smile back at her as she goes back to her colouring in "Can Ally come and have a pwaydate" Zoe looks pleadingly at Luke and gives him a pout "Sorry Baby, but she's gotta go home with me" Luke smiles "Are you and ally gonna have a pwaydate?" She asks looking between Luke and I "Yeah, something like that" Luke smiles at his baby cousin. As the night continued on I got to know more about Luke and his family, half way through Luke placed his hand on my thigh and smirked at me so I give him the don't you dare look but he just continues to smirk, he places his hand on my inner thigh and I continue to give him the stare. Luke's thumb goes around in circles as I try to smack his hand away but that doesn't even help as he continues "Cut it out" I say sternly to Luke "No way" He says continuing to smirk "Fine" I say and stand up excusing myself to the bathroom as I make my way to the bathroom I get a text which reads
Lukey <3- Babyyy, come back ):
Ally <3- No way only joking babe I'll be back in a minute, I love you
Lukey <3- I love you more
Ally <3- Nope we love each other equally
Lukey <3- Fine. But I'll love you always 1 more then you love me :P
Ally <3- Whatever you say Lucas ;)
Lukey <3- Come back here so I can kiss you
Ally <3- Give me two minutes <3
Lukey <3- Alright baby <3

I finish up in the bathroom and walk back out into the restaurant and I spot Luke smiling at me as I'm walking back so I gladly smile back at him as I make my way over to him and then sit down back in my chair "You look absolutely beautiful tonight baby" he whispers in my ear his breath against my neck giving me goosebumps "Thank you babe, you're looking devilishly handsome tonight" I whisper back. Luke reaches underneath the table and searches for my hand and he takes it in his and interlaces our fingers together "I. Love. You." He smiles "More then you will ever know" he smiles at me "I love you too Luke, there are no words to describe how much I love you" I smile back at him "Oh my god, Luke?! Is that you!?" a high voice squeals "Oh shit.. Hey Olivia.." Luke mumbles awkwardly but yet smiles politely at the girl walking towards us "How have you been Luke?" She smiles showing her white teeth "Um yeah pretty good thanks, how about you?" Luke asks trying to be polite "Very well" she smirks "You must be Alexandra. I have seen a lot about you online you know going out with a celebrity and all" She smirks rudely then looks back at Luke "That's not the case at all. I love Luke, always have and always will. Just because he is seen as famous and a celebrity to you, in my eyes it's completely different. Luke is a loving, talented, funny, kind hearted and one of a kind guy. I'm not dating Luke because he's a celebrity I'm dating Luke because we have so much history together and I love him more than anyone will ever know." I say looking over at Luke "And I love her" Luke says putting an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek "Whatever." Olivia says and storms off and out of the restaurant "I really do love you Ally" Luke smiles turning to me and wrapping both of his arms around my waist "I really do love you too Luke" I smile leaning up to kiss him.

As the night continued on everybody started to leave as it was getting late "Come on Luke and Ally, we should get going to" Andy smiles tiredly at Luke and I. Luke stands up out of the chair and puts out his hand for me to take, I take Luke's hand and he gently pulls me up and he leads the way out of the restaurant. The car ride home was quiet but a comfortable quiet so I rest my head on Luke's shoulder as we continued to hold eachother. It's definitely the moments like this that I love most. As we drove throughout Sydney back to Luke's home, I couldn't help but think to myself about the past when Luke and I were friends, the memories when we would flirt with each other for months on end but never doing anything about it, the cuddles, the sleepovers, the late nights on the couch, so many amazing memories and so many more new ones to come, I smile to myself thinking about everything with Luke, he pulls me closer into him and kisses my temple. I am completely and utterly in love with Luke Hemmings.

Luke's POV
"Baby Girl, come on we are home" I smile gently tapping Ally on the shoulder being sure she isn't asleep, she gets out of the car and stands right in front of me, she's so perfect.. Ally and I walk inside and into our room "You tired baby?" I ask her as she lays down on the bed "Just a.. little" she says yawning "Hmm.. Cuddles and sleep, sound good baby girl?" I ask her getting undressed "Sounds perfect" she smiles standing up and grabbing some Pj's and walking into the bathroom. I pull the blankets back on the bed and lay down "Allyyy, baby.. I'm lonely" I whine "Coming handsome" Ally smiles walking out of the bathroom in just one of my shirts "Fuck you look hot baby" I wink at her "Aww Thank you lukey" she winks back, hopping into bed beside me "Come here" I say pulling her closer to my bare chest, she rests her head on my chest and listens to my heart beat which I know she loves doing. I rest my head on the top of her head kissing it every now and again "I'm never going to stop telling you this and I'm going to tell you this till my very last breath on this planet, Alexandra Louise Calder. I. Love. You. Forever and always" Ally looks up at me "I love you too Lucas Robert Hemmings. Forever and always nothing's ever going to change that" She smiles leaning up and giving me a lingering kiss, as we pull away Ally yawns a little "Awww my baby tired?" I smile "Maybe a little" she says closing her eyes, I pull her closer to me again and start to sing the chorus of disconnected because I know it is her favourite song and she loves it when I sing her to sleep "we get so disconnected" I whisper kissing her temple "I love you so much my baby girl" I smile before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep along side my beautiful girlfriend.

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