The Deal

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I snapped my eyes open, my head clearing in a snap when I heard Grunkle Stan.

"M-Mabel... Is ...?" I croaked, trying to sit up again. Every muscle screamed, every joint cracked and bone felt like the marrow had turned to electricity buzzing through my body.

I looked up to see the blurry image of two people standing there. My eyesight began to clear as my eyes stung slightly. Stan was standing staring at Ford, fear etched into his face.

"What do you mean she isn't waking up?" Ford asked. His voice cracking.

"I men's what I mean! She's passed out and I can't get her to wake up! There's some sort of journal next to her. And all these pages - they all say the same thing!"

"Mabel... What... What's wrong w-with Mab... Mabel!?" I tried to yell, but my voice gave up halfway through the first word. Buy I got their attention.

"Ford. What have you done with him?" Grunkle Stan paled.

"That's not important right now. Come with me. I have to see Mabel." Ford grabbed Stan and pulled him to the elevator.

"Take... Take me with you..." I whispered hoarsely, holding a hand out desperately. I could feel my magic begin to work. To heal my body. My throat felt like it was burning, but the pain was steadily fading.

Stan was looking at me in horror, but the elevator doors closed, and they left us. Alone in the cage.

Pine tree! We have to get out of here!

Wow. Perceptive aren't you?

This isn't the time! Snap out of it and let's go!

How!? How dammit? We touch this cage and we get electrocuted. Do you really want that?!

I don't know Pine tree! Stop being a wuss and use that big brain of yours to figure out a plan!

"Fine! I will!" I coughed. I stood up, my legs shaking and braced myself.

Wait! Pine tree! What are you-?

I threw myself into the blue wall. And screamed as the volts shot through my bones. Through my mind. Through my head.

I shivered and felt my body melting, and I was thrown back, back against the wall where I was shocked again before sinking to the ground. I breathed in heavily. My head buzzing and my entire body spasming, sparks of blue light buzzed over my skin in front of my eyes.

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