Chapter 2

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Mary's pov

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Mary's pov

It was morning and I woke up to Nathan opening the curtains to our room. I gently got out of bed and stretched a little before gathering some clothes and heading towards the bathroom where I took a quick shower of sorts, changed, did my hair and a little makeup, and finally after I looked somewhat presentable, I exited the bathroom to pack. I noticed Nathan standing by the window in a sort of daze, I walked over to him and put on hand on his shoulder to let him know I was there. "Nathan, I know this isn't exactly the sort of thing you want to do, but we do need the money, and I think it would be good for the both of us to leave the U.S. and get away from all of this" I said. He only nodded at me, I took my hand of his shoulder and walked back to my luggage to continue packing, I heard a low "thank you" come from Nathan, and turned to look at my brother. He was now smiling at me, and I could tell he felt a little encouraged at the idea of leaving everything behind, he walked away from the window and passed my to finish packing.

We had left the hotel and headed down to the docks where our ship was waiting to take us to Japan. I could barely contain my excitement, I've always been fascinate by other cultures, especially one's as mysterious as the Japanese's culture, with the samurai and emperors. I felt encourage also by the thought that both my brother and I would be escaping our past, even if it wouldn't be permanent we needed this. When we got to the ship Mr. Gant was already on board, standing near the side of the boat, when he saw us he took of his little hat and waved at us. Nathan and I smiled and waved back. Colonel Bagley was waiting on the dock were we loading onto the ship, when Bagley saw us approaching I could see a smile on his face when he saw, his smile got wider when he looked at me. I couldn't help, but smile and I felt Nathan nudge me in the ribs. I looked at my brother and apologized, he only told me to be careful with my old feelings for the man who had ruined our lives, I put my head down, "I promise brother, I'm done with Bagley, it's just he was my first love and someone I was going to marry, and someone like that is someone you never get over, even if you and I hate the man, I will always have a place in my heart for him, but I will never act on my feeling, I promise" I told him, Nathan nodded at my response and took my hand in a comforting way.

As we got closer, Nathan let go of my hand, we were about to get on the ship and Nathan turned to me to offer help with my luggage, but before he uttered a word Bagley swooped in literally and offered his services. To not seem rude I nodded and thanked him and he grabbed my luggage and boarded the ship, I looked at my brother and apologized quickly, and scurried up the plank they had set up to get onto the ship. Bagley waited for me to show me where my room was, I followed him into the ship and we soon arrived at my room, it was a nice simple room with a window, Bagley set my stuff down and turned to me. "Well this is your room, mine is right across from your's and your brother's is right next to your room" he said. I nodded, "well I let you get settled" he said slightly nervous, I nodded again and he turned to leave the room, but before he exited he turned to face me again, "Mary, I know you will never forgive me for what I made us do that day, but I just want to let you know again how sorry I am for it, I wish I could go back and change the past, but I can't. You don't know how sorry I will always be and if I knew I was going to loose you forever I never would have made such a poor decision. My only hope is that in time you will forgive me. I also want you to have this" he said pulling a chain out from underneath his collar, the chain had a ring on it, and it wasn't just any ring it was my engagement ring from him. "You kept this?" I asked. He nodded and handed it to me, "I could never part with it, I've worn it since the day you returned it" he said. I didn't want to start crying, but I teared up a bit, I had to sit down, so I sat down on the small bed.

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