Chapter 6

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Actual author's note: Fun fact! Flowerstar was from my first ever Warriors fic that I plan on rewriting sometime this year! Also I have no clue where the Omen Warrior thing came from. I think I accidentally deleted a chapter or something. Pretend there was a prophecy inbetween chapters XD

"Tell me! Who is the Omen Warrior?!" Plumstar screeched, Blizzardclaw pinned down. "I-I-I...t-they h-haven't b-been b-b-b-born yet, b-but I'm sure they're one of Ratface's k-kits..."
Plumstar nodded, loosening her grip on Blizzardclaw. "Thanks." she muttered. I just have to, get them alone, then kits for the fresh-kill pile!
Leafangel padded into her den, wrapping her tail around her white paws. "Uh...Plumstar? Are we going to attack MarshClan or FireClan first?" Plumstar shrugged. "Hm, I don't know.. We might as well find out later."

- Meanwhile, in StarClan-

"What do we do?! Plumstar was undefeatable to begin with! Now she has ten lives, and she's going to kill the Omen Warriors!" Flowerstar sobbed, eyes wide. "I don't know," Bugwing sighed, looking around.
Peachfuzz shook her head. "No. It's not the end! We can defeat Plumstar! We'll kill the rogues! We thought Hornetstar's tyrancy was never going to end, but it did! We can't give up!"
Flowerstar nodded. "I suppose so," she muttered, leading the group of StarClan cats to where the border broke and they were in the Dark Forest.
"Who are you guys?" A small brown she-cat with red patches asked, green eyes looking sucpiciously at the group of starry cats. Flowerstar swallowed hard. "We need your help."
After Flowerstar explained, the Dark Forest cats weren't exactly eager to help.
"Plumstar? Hah! She's good to us! You're on your own, guys!" Bloodtail hissed, padding off.

-Timeskip, around 2 moons later. Before MarshClan and/or FireClan's attack-

"Hey, Ratface, when are your kits due?" Plumstar asked, trying not to seem bad despite the Clan knowing of her deeds.
"Tomorrow," Ratface said, looking down. "Ah," Plumstar nodded, giving off a fake grin.
"You know," She added. "Since me and Pidgeonstep became mates...We were thinking about having kits. Problem is, I'm barren. I mean, that's your second litter with Firetail. I was thinking, we could adopt them?" Plumstar asked, looking at Ratface with wide eyes.
"I...I dunno..." Ratface replied, unsure. "But.. If it means that much to you..." She looked at the pleading Plumstar. "I...Okay...I guess.. But, at least let me stay with them until they're old enough to go without milk.."
Plumstar grinned. "Fine by me!" She looked at Ratface as she got up and left.
The white she-cat frowned for a moment, wondering if it was truly worth it. To kill innocent kits that did nothing wrong...... No! What am I thinking? Kits don't matter! They're just big prey! Muahahaha!

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