chapter 6

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I couldn’t sleep last night. Images of previous games flashed behind my eyelids every time I tried to close my eyes.  I eventually gave up and climbed in bed with my mother and father. Somehow, mother's gentle snoring was enough to send me to sleep. I dream of Arrow. Her smile, how she could always make me feel better. When I wake up, my vision is clouded with tears.

Now, mother, father and I sit in silence around the television. “Ladies and Gentleman, let the 34th Hunger Games begin,” the gamemakers electronically alter voice announces over the entire arena. One by one, the tributes stands rise. I spot Arrow in the middle of the action: she's standing in the middle of the semicircle of tributes. The arena itself is a full forest. All around them, foliage blocks the sun, making the interpretation that it is night. 10 seconds on the clock. I am numb. Am I about to witness my sister die? 3. 2. 1.

Tributes start to run to the cornucopia. My eyes focus on Arrow. She grabs a black backpack and a large knife before fleeing into the woods. Other tributes aren't as lucky. I watch As both tributes from 5, the boy from 6, ,both tributes from 12, and the girl from 3 are murdered. Once the bloodbath is over, districts 1,2, and 4 form an alliance that will last exactly 2 days, in my opinion. 6 tributes are dead.

I think back to their interviews. They were alive, laughing along with Caeser. How little they knew of their fate then.

The screen cuts to the tributes that fled--Arrow among them. Since she not doing anything interesting in the eyes of the Capitol, they just show her long enough to guarantee her safety. She’s climbed a tree and is searching the contents of her backpack. She's high up because of her weight. That's one thing that i’d never think would come in handy, but with the games, who knows.

Who knows. Who knows what the gamemakers have up their sleeve. The thought make my stomach knot up. Tears of nervousness and fear cloud my vision again. I need to get out. I grab my jacket. No.Not mine. A hand me down from Arrow. I throw it across the room in frustration. I run out of the house, to the fields, whipping tears of frustration from my eyes. I hear Mother’s voice calling me. All I see is Arrow, everywhere I go. In the fields, I see her planting crops and playing with Toby. In the forest, I see her handling an axe with ease, like it was an extension of her body. Everywhere I go, she follows me. I hear her laughing, I see her working. The worst part about it all is that I may never get to see her do those things ever again. I hate the Capitol. I hate the gamemakers. I hate every living thing in the Capitol. Arrow wouldn't want me to hate people. A voice in the back of my mind whispers. Well, I think bitterly. She is a better person than me. And it's true. She was always more caring, more open. If I could have one wish, it would be for me to be in that arena instead of her. I sob bitterly against a tree. My sister is gone.

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