Chapter. 4

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"Jew. Put the girl in the van" Kirstie says while pushing me out of the storage room into the hands of Avi. I can hear in the distance Kirstin telling the kids if they tell anyone anything that she will kill them. Kevin ran up to open the van door and then Avi picked me up and threw me into the van. I
heard the door close then I blacked out.

End of recap

I woke up and looked around. No one was in the van but me. I looked out the window and saw we were at this abandoned house. I saw the door to the house open and then I ducked back down away from the window. A few seconds later the door to the van opens. I look up and see Kirstin.

Meanwhile at the school
(This is in 3rd person view because I can)
The school is chaos. There are at least 5 ambulances outside. Around 8 police cars surrounding the building. One ambulance carrying the band director. Another carrying a police officer that was shot. In the office Rachel's mother is crying her eyes out. The principal is comforting her while her husband is on the way. The officers are trying to get the other kids in the room talk but you can tell they are horrified to talk cause you know they might get killed that sorta thing. Even the mean girl is afraid that someone might hurt her. All the other classes are on lockdown to where they can't leave the class room. When Rachel's dad arrived you could tell he was crying on the way here. Rachel's mom ran up to the dad and just cried on his shoulder. An officer came up to the family and said they knew who kidnapped Rachel. Rachels parents wiped their tears and looked at the officer. The officer told them it was easy to find out but it's gonna be hard to find them. The officer told them who kidnapped Rachel was the gang PTX. Rachel's dad just started crying even harder. He knew why she was kidnapped by the gang PTX. Only he and PTX knew.

Kidnapped by ptx the gangWhere stories live. Discover now