Chapter 7.

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BANG. "Maybe that will show her that she doesn't need to run" I hear Kirstin say as she starts laughing. I fall to the ground. I start quietly sobbing.
They killed my mom.

End of recap.

"Hey guys I heard something at the side of the house" I hear someone yell from the front of the house. I stand up then run to hide behind the closest tree. Luckily I live in the middle of no where that's surrounded by trees. I run to the closest tree then sit down. I hear foot steps coming my way. I'm about to stand up then run, then Mitch says "Rachel. It's just me and me alone". I look up a little to see if it's more than just him standing there. I see more than just Mitch. I quickly stand up then try to run the I feel someone grab my arm. They pull me back to them as I struggle to get them to release. I finally get loose from their grip then take off running. I hear Kirstin sigh then I hear foot steps coming up behind me. I start sprinting faster. I then trip on a stupid stick that got in my way and fall to the ground. I try as fast as I can to get up but someone then grabs my arm. I look up and I see mitch. He pulls me up and motions me to follow him. He started sprinting toward the van so I did too. When we got there he opened the door let me get in then jumped into the drivers seat. He motions for me to close the door. I scoot over to the door then close it. I look out the window after I close it and see Kirstin running over to the van. Mitch pulls away as fast as he can before Kirstin catches the van. I guess mitch is trying to save me. Mitches phone rings. "What Scott" I hear Mitch say. I can hear a little bit coming from his phone. He sounds mad. Oh no. I should've just stayed put. Mitch could get hurt because of me. "Bye" I hear Mitch say when he takes his phone away from his ear. "Hopefully you won't ever have to see Scott again" Mitch says to me. He motions for me to go into the passenger seat. I stand up then walk to the front. I sit down then buckle my seat belt. "What about the other guys" I whisper quietly to Mitch. "Oh honey we won't see them anymore. You and I won't have to worry about them"Mitch says too me. Right as he says that Mitches phone starts ringing. "Shoot it's Kirstin. Be very quite" he says to me. I do what he says and I become quite. "What Kirstin" I hear Mitch says. She also sounds mad. But worse that Scott. "Im not telling you where we are going. If you had any logic you would know where I'm taking her" I hear Mitch say. He takes his phone away from his ear and hangs up. "Where are we going" I ask Mitch. "I'm taking you to your dad" Mitch says.

Wow I havent updated in a while. Sorry for that y'all. I'll try to update more often but idk. Love y'all.

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