Chapter 2

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“Are you done?” I asked.

“Yep! As I was reading, maybe when Bell goes to the bookstore, you can have the background turn a nice shade of brown?” I wrote down his offer in the left margin of my paper.

“Sounds good enough,” I set my script aside and went up to the light controls. I fidgeted with the board a bit before the background turned to the preferred color. “Like this, Steven?” He looked and gave me a thumbs up. I grabbed my script and my bag off the floor, and got ready to leave.

We didn't have to do much today, so I am going to my next class. “Leaving already?” Steven asks.

“Have nothing else to do,” I said boringly. I sling my bag over my shoulder and exit the booth. The hallways are perfectly clear, meaning I won't have any problems getting to my next class. I take a right once I passed my math class, then a left at the broken down water fountain.

Actually, I think I might use the bathroom first. I slowed down and entered the girls bathroom. It was empty as usual. I set my stuff down, and looked in the mirror above the sink. My hair needed combing, and my eyes had dark bags under them. I searched my bag for my comb. Pulling it out, I work on my parting.

My life is actually boring. After School, I do my homework, then play videogames till midnight. However, I work at the electronic store couple streets down from my house from time to time.

Pearl’s the manager of it, and she thought I'd be a great addition to the tech family, and I desperately needed cash. I’m always low on food and barely keep up on my bills.

Well, enough about my boring life, I should get moving. I picked up my bag and left out of the bathroom just as the bell rang. How long was I in there? The hallway started to shrink as students flowed through. I continued to gym class and felt a force ram into my back, pushing me to the floor.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” I noticed the blue brunette on the ground across from me. She was rubbing the back of her head. She scrambled off the ground and offered me her hand. I slowly inched my hand towards her, but quickly drew back. I got on my feet and took off towards gym.

As I was running, I passed Ruby holding hands with Sapphire. They are pretty much inseparable by what I learned. I remember a few years back they broke up, but Steven helped them realize they were meant for eachother.

I also learned last year, he hooked up with a girl named Connie. He would bring her up every now and then in a conversation, like he would mention what she did over the weekend, or what she recently accomplished.

Steven makes a relationship seem easy, but they're are so many things that can go wrong. Here in Beach City, everything matters. Well, except me. What you say and do is most important. I never liked being here, but Yellow Diamond abandoned me.

Steven showed me this worn down barn a little ways away from people, perfect for being alone. I use the barn sometimes, but I do own a small house. It's not the roomiest, but I make due. I approached the gym doors and took in a deep breath. I pushed open the big wooden door. People were sitting in the bleachers in big clumps.

Before they could notice me, I hurried to the girl's locker room. I walked by people talking and others getting dressed. I didn't have a choice to dress out or not. It was either get good grades or get sent to detention. Yeah, not on my clean record. The gym teacher here isn't exactly, nice.

"You have THREE minutes before you are locked in!" Malachite yelled from outside. I quickly unlocked my locker and started to change. Malachite is our gym teacher. But the school's funding is slow low, that she is also the swim coach.

I stopped mid dress, and decided to put my other clothes back on. After I did that, I grabbed my stuff and walked out. Who says I should have perfect attendance? Moving swiftly out of the gym, I exited outside to the school's parking lot. I walked towards my car and pulled the handle. I took off for home once I got the engine to finally start.

Note to self, save some money for an inspection. Lapis, for some odd reason, can't get out of my mind. What happened earlier still bothers me. She noticed me for the first time this year, but by what? An accident?

The only people who know I exist at that school is Steven, Pearl, Jasper (mainly just to do her work for her), and most teachers. Lapis has been here three months. THREE months, and just now notices me! I guess that's what to be expected.

I'm the one nerd that blends in too well, even with my own kind. I pulled into my driveway and stepped out. Home away from hell. I left my bag in the backseat of my car, thinking I'll get it later. I walked up my two steps, unlocked the screen door, then I unlocked my heavyweight door. I was greeted by the sweet sound of nothing, but my sea of thoughts. Closing the door, I lock it back up tight. I lay my head on the door, and just sit there.

Awkwardly, I made my way to the old recliner in the corner of my room. I picked up my laptop, a gift from Pearl, and opened it up. I connected it to the wifi box next to me, again, another gift from Pearl. I plan on paying her back, but I don't have the funds to exactly, do that. Opening google, I decide to do some research.

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