Chapter 12

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Before this chapter starts yes the photo is Travis from Minecraft diares but I just love his character design

-(Name)'s POV-

I groan as I try to get up, I place my hand behind my to stable myself

"Ouch," I say bringing my hand up to my forehead, I hiss bringing my hand back to look at it to find blood.....'My blood' I think, slowly pushing myself off the car landing on the road with people showing up, I struggle to get up, my vision slowly fading

"Someone help her!" A male yelled I hear someone run over to me lifting me up so I was leaning on their shoulder, I struggled to talk but manage to say

"Take me to 'the Healer'" I say before I pass out from my injuries

-Time skip to 'the Healer'!!!!...................Ahhhhh a wild Rogue help!!!!(If you watch my youtube channel you'll know who I'm talking about :P)-

I slowly open my eyes, groaning from the pain still

"Don't move too much (Name), he said you need to rest," Phoenix says flying over to me, trying to push me back into the bed

"But.....Chat! Where is he!" I yell jerking up in the bed, sending poor Phoenix flying over to the door, only for it to open and a hand to catch her

"Calm down (Name), you need rest," He says walking over to me with Phoenix sitting on his shoulder looking down at me

"But Chat could be hurt or alone somewhere," I say starting to stand up only for him to push me back onto the bed

"He will be fine, he's a hero, He's gone through worse things," He says placing the blanket on me trying to make me sleep

"I know but he's still my friend," I say getting up again, he sign's and grabs my wrist pulling me back down

"Yes I heard, now sleep before I make you sleep," He says pulling me back down, I gasp as I lose my footing and end up face first on the bed

"Now sleep, I know there is still a villain out there but you need your sleep, if you get hit by him one more time then your kawami is gone," He says, bringing Phoneix down next to me, I gasp and gently take Phoenix in my hands, rubbing her head

"I'm so sorry, Phoenix," I say, closing my eyes only to feel myself starting to cry, feeling her little hand being placed on my nose

"It's ok (Name), you didn't know," She says hugging my nose, I smile and cry more, hugging her little figure to my nose

"But I should know I'm the one that's always using you," I say, more tears falling from my eyes, I feel someone else's hand land on my shoulder, I turn my head to see 'the Healer' there smiling down at me

"Sorry I had to be so rough with you but you weren't listening," He says, I nod my head only then do I get a good look at him; tall, lean, white hair, bright green eyes and very pale skin

"My name is Travis by the way," He says smiling at me, I smile back

"Nice to meet you," I say, bringing my head back down at Phoenix giving her more hugs

"I'll leave you to rest, I'll bring something for you to drink next time," Travis says walking out of the room, leaving me with Phoenix

"I'm so sorry I did this to you Phoenix," I sign and hug her closer to me, she smiles softly at me and hugs me back

"It's alright (Name) like I said before, you didn't know," She says, patting my nose, I giggle and close my eyes

"Alright....Phoneix...." I close my eyes and falling asleep with Phoneix still in my hands

-Time skip Travis's POV-

I walked back to the room with the girl in only to find that she's fallen asleep, I smile a little and walk over to the bed

'I'm not going to wake her' I think, placing the tray of food on the table next to her, I go to leave only to hear someone talking I turn around to find Phoenix flying up to me

"What's wrong Phoenix?" I ask, turning my body around to face her, she flys right up to my face

"Can you promise not to tell anyone what you saw here," She says, touching my nose, I smile more and nod my head

"You have my word," I say, holding my hand up, she giggles and hugs my nose

"Thank you," She says, letting go and flying back over to the girl

"Hey Phoenix could you tell me your master's name?" I ask tilting my head to the side, Phoenix smiles and nods her head

"Yeah, her name is (Name)," She says, flying into (Name)'s neck and laying close to her

"(Name)......Cute name" I whisper, smiling to myself and walking out of the room

"This may not be the first time," I say, walking down to my room

-(Name)'s POV-

I wake up to find a tray of food waiting on the table beside me, I lean up only foro my back to start hurting

"Ow, ow ow ow ow," I moan out, laying back down onto the bed

"Hey, you alright?" I hear

'Travis?' I think, turning my head to the door

"Um, I may need a hand really, ehehe" I laugh a little and lean on my elbows, only to wince in pain

"I thought you would," Travis opens the door only to quickly run to my side before I fall hard on my back, placing his hand on my back and the other around my waist

"Hey, take it easy, your still healing," He says, leaning me onto his lap, I wince in pain and lean my head on his shoulder

"Here, let me feed you," He says, reaching over to grab the tray of food, placing it on my lap, I blush and lift my hand up to grab the spoon from his hand

"I can feed mySELF!" I yelp in pain as my hand spazes out, Travis grabs my hand and takes the spoon from my hand, quickly moving the tray from my lap so the food dosen't go anywhere

"Careful," He says, looking down at me with a worryed look on his face

"I'm sorry...." I say, looking away from him

"Hey, it's alright, I'm here to help," He says hugging me close, I gasp and shake in his arms

"I'm so sorry..." I hiccup, hugging him tighter, I feel him tense up then relax and hug me back

"It's all good," He says, I hiccup and cry into his shirt, I then feel him pat my head, running his hands through my hair

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Next one has not been started but I'll try and get it done soon

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