Chapter 7.5 Nathaniel's ending

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-Ladybug's POV-

I run back to Adrien's house but not in my hero form, I run up to the door and knock

'Please Nathaniel' I think, waiting for him to open the door, the door slowly open's and Adrian is there

"Hey Marinette, what are you doing here?" Adrian asks, tilting his head to the side

"I was sent here by ladybug to give Nathaniel this," I say holding up a little bottle with a blue liquid in it

"Alright, come in," He says moving out of the way to let me in, I start walking up the stairs but stop not knowing where Nathaniel was

"It's this way," Adrian says walking in front of me, I follow close behind him, as Adrian opens the door Tikki flys out and lands next to Phoenix and Plagg

"She was left with me when Ladybug left," I say walking over to Nathaniel and handing him the little bottle

"And Ladybug left this with me to give to you," I say holding it in front of his face so he could grab it, he takes it from my hand and looks at it

"Why is the liquid the same colour as his eyes?" Adrian asks looking from the bottle then back to Nathaniel

"Apparently when Ladybug got it, she gave the man a bit of (Name)'s hair and it changed the liquid from clear to blue, so I guess that meant that Nathaniel has to give it to her," I explain, Nathaniel takes the bottle down to his hips then glances down at (Name)

"Let's leave," I say, turning around and pushing Adrian out of his room

-Nathaniel's POV-

I look down at (Name)'s sleeping face, I smile and brush away a strand of hair

"Let's see if this works," I say, leaning down to her and slowly opening her mouth

'Wait! what if she doesn't swallow it?' I think and gulp quickly, I open the lid and bring it to my lips

'I can't do this!' I think, slowly looking down at her with my blush getting brighter by the second

'I have to do this, I'm the only one that can do it' I think and bring it to my lips and holding there as it goes into my mouth, I place the bottle down and bring her up to me, I sign in my head and bring her to my lips

'I can do this!' I think and kiss (Name), opening her lips letting tongue out to try and open her mouth, as her mouth opens the liquid in my mouth slowly goes into hers

'Please work' I think, blushing even more, I slowly pull away from her, I open my eyes to find her mouth slightly open, her eyes slowly starting to open

'I worked!' I think and smile, she looks up at me and blushes a little

"Nath?" (Name) says slowly getting up with her hands on my legs

"What happened?" She asked looking up at me, her face inches away from mine, I blush more

"You were....put into a deep sleep by a....stanger dressed up as Chat," I say, gulping after I finished, she blinked her eyes at me in surprised then she smiled

"Thanks for helping me Nath," (Name) said, bringing her hand up to my cheek, brushing her thumb under my right eye, I look down at her seeing her getting closer to me

"And I want to show you my gratitude," She says, biting her lower lip then lean's up to my cheek, I closed my eyes only to feel her lips on my cheek

"Eh?!" I say and back up looking at her, my hands on her hips, she smiles then giggles

"You're too cute Nathaniel," She says falling forward onto my chest, I look down at her to find her asleep, I sign and smile at her placing my right hand on her head

"And you're too soft with me," I say smiling, even more, moving back to lean against the wall



Now time to work on the next chapter

YAY!!!!! We will be talking to the reader's older brother in the next chapter

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