Chapter 14

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-Reader's POV-

I gasp as Travis grips my wings, I cry as I feel him grip it tighter

"You're not the monster here," He says, he sighs and turns my body around, I keep my eyes closed not wanting him to see my bright white eyes again

"But I am....." I say crying a bit more, I gasp a little by Travis pulling me into a sudden hug, patting my back in attempts to calm me down, I cry more and grip his shirt, crying onto his shoulder

"TRAVIS!" The demon yells out from the window, I feel Travis shake in my arms and I look up to find him standing where the window was once before, I growl softly and hug Travis closer to me

"Stay here, I need to have a talk with your father," I say, my wings turning orange/red as I grow madder at his father

"HA! You think you can take me on little girl~" He mocks, I growl and fly up to him, gripping his waist and throwing him into the city

"How's that for a little girl?" I laugh softly and fly after the tumbling demon, I start to slow down as I hear laughing from behind me

"Good through but not fast enough to stop me," He says in my ear as he grips my wings, I scream in pain as he grips them tighter

"HA! for a monster like you, I thought you would be stronger than that," He laughs more and grips my wings tight until I hear a 'Snap!' I gasp as he lets go of my wings, letting me fall to the ground, I closed my eyes and bring my wings close to my body

'This is going to hurt'I think, gasping out in pain as my back makes contact with a brick wall, I groan in pain and leaned myself forward making myself fall to the ground

"Ouch..." I pant out, lifting my body slowly off the ground, grunting in pain as I hold my wing close to me

'Shit, he knows what he's doing' I think, hearing something happening further down the road, I groan and start limping my way there

-Kayla's POV- (HA! you were not expecting that now!)

I walking around town when I hear a crash, I turn to see

"What the hell is that?" I ask, watching a demon walk through the road, pushing any cars out of the way. I jump onto a building and let my ears and tail out, watching the demon closely

"What is it after?" I whisper, seeing it turn a corner I walk along the roof and look down the road seeing

"(Name)!" I gasp, watching her struggle to get up

'Her wing looks broken' I think, running over the roof tops and jump down onto the road, picking her up and running off

"So I have another toy to play with" I hear the demon say, followed by loud thumps of him running after us

"Shit! (Name) can you still fly?" I ask, looking down at her to see her shake her head

"No, he snapped my bone," she says crying from the pain, I pull her closer to my chest and run faster

"Once I lose him, I'll run us back to my place so I can try to help you," I say, looking down at her, seeing her nod in approval I ran, turning sharp corners and climbing up buildings

"Is he gone?" I ask and turn around once we were up on a roof

"I think so," (Name) say's, I gently place her on the ground and stand up straight, jumping up on top of a power line

"I don't see him anywhere," I say, looking out to find nothing

"Looks like we are safe, I'll take you inside to heal your wing......Plus your brother is here," I say, picking her up bridal style, jumping down onto a little deck and opening the door to my room, I walk to my bed and place (Name) down

"Hang on, Sab! I've got your sister!" I yell, waiting for him than hear him running up the stairs and down the hallway, throwing my door open

"(Name)!" He yells running over to her and hugging her tight

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? How did this happen to you?" He mumbled on causing (Name) to giggle

"I'm fine Sab, I do have a broken wing and I happened when I encountered a demon," She giggles and pats her wing slowly, Sabastian sighs and pats her head

"I'm guessing Kayla saved you from becoming road kill?" He asked, looking up at me, I blush softly and nod my head

"Yes, I found her wounded and limping to try and hide from the demon," I explain, sitting down behind (Name) and holding her wing out to start bracing it, (Name) growls at me from the pain

"Relax (Name), I know it hurts but once this is over then you can sleep or eat, which ever one you want first," I explain again, holding the wing still as I grab thin bits of wood and strap them together

(And before any of you guys ask where they come from, she was walking around her room getting everything she needed while she was talking to the reader and Sabastian)

"Ouch, ouch ouch ouch....." She moans out in pain, I rub her back as I tighten the bond around the wood and her wing

"And there, done," I say, crawling around to face her and pat her head

"Now what do you want?" I ask smiling at her, she sigh's and faces her brother

"You remember mothers soup that she use to make for me when I was little?" She asks her brother, he nods his head and walks out the door

"Can you come and help me, Kayla," Sabastian asks and walks back out the door

"Alright, we will be back soon (Name)," I say, standing up and patting her head, I smile at her and walk out of the room

-(Name)'s POV-

I turn my body around so I lay on my stomach, I groan as my body bends to lay down

"Why does this have to happen to me?" I ask myself, laying both of my wings down onto the bed, twitching as my broken wing touches the soft bed

"God damn it....I don't have time for this," I tell myself, trying to push myself up off the bed

'Shit!' I think, moaning in pain and trying to flap my wings, only to hiss as my broken wing moves too fast

"Hello Angel~" I growl and turn my head around

"What do you want cat," I growl louder and turn my body onto its side

"I'm here to see how the Angel is doing~" He laughs lightly and starts walking to the bed

"I'm fine," I growl and show my fangs at him, bringing my wings in closer to my body and pushing my body up more off the bed

"What is someone like you doing here," I hiss, my eyes slowly changing from (e/c) to bright white, he laughs

"Do you think I'm scared of your new form?" Chat says, walking up to the side of the bed, sitting down and leaning over my back

"Chat. Leave. Now." I say turning my head to him and lifting my body up more, he chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist, I growl at him, warning him not to mess with me

"I'm not scared of a lone little Pheonix~" Chat whispers into my ear, I gasp

'Pheonix.......I left her at Travis house!' I think to myself, I throw Chat off me and walk to the door

"Where are you going?" Chat asks, getting up and walking closer to me

"Getting something that is mine,"

So sorry this is long but I had a writer's block half way through typing this but I hope you guys like it

And let's hope that our reader will get her Kwamii back safe and sound

Vote if you liked it, comment if there are mistakes anywhere or if you want more and share this story with your friends ^-^

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