Chapter 16

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-Sorry that this has taken awhile, I've just finished high school altogether and am left with my main laptop, so this chapter and the next two chapters have been lost. So sorry in advance if these chapters are not up to there normal state, just, please work with me while I try to make these chapters-

-(Name)'s POV-

"(Name), time to wake up~" I groan and roll over onto my side, I hear my floorboards creak as Sab gets closer to my bed, I growl at him in warning that I want more sleep

"Come on, you know you can't sleep forever," Sab says, I moan and lift my body up slowly, careful that I'm not hitting my broken wing

"I know but you know I love my sleep..." I yawn and stretch my arms out, then slowly stretching my wings out

"You alright? Do you want me to re-bandage it?" Sab asks, walking up to my side and opening my wing up, I hiss and close my eyes, digging my nails into my bedsheets

"Ahhhhhh," I bite my lip as Sabastian starts un-rapping the bandage

"Easy, breath slowly and relax your wing," Sab says, I nod my head and relax my wing, allowing  him to un-rap it and re-rap it around my wing



"(Name)!" I turn my head to the window to find Phoenix and Travis, my eyes open wide

"Ph...phoenix?!" I gasp and jump out of my bed, hugging my little kawamii close to me

"(Name) your wing!" Sab yells I hiss as my hair makes contact with the open wound

"Welp, I forgot about that," I giggle and lower my body to the ground, bringing both my wings in closer to me, Travis and Sab walk closer to me. Travis with his hand on my shoulder and Sab stretching my wing back out, I growl and close my eyes

"Sorry just stay still, I've got to finish wrapping this wound up," I nod my head and relax my body, I sigh and look up seeing Travis sitting in front of me with Phoenix on his knee

"Good to see that you two are alright," Travis smiles and giggles

"I would not have been able to find you if it wasn't for your kawamii," Travis pats Phoenix's head and she giggles

"I'm glad I have her," I smile softly at both of them and close my eyes

"There, done," Sab stands up and walks to the window, Travis and Phoenix following behind

"Do you think I will still be able to help Ladybug and Chat Noir?" I ask standing up, bringing my wings in closer to me. Travis and Sab turn to look at me

"Yes, but you won't be able to use your wings," Travis says, I sigh

"But that's my only way of moving around," Travis nods his head

"You will have to jump around from place to place," Travis walks up to me and places his hand on my shoulder, I sigh loudly again


-Nathaniel's POV-

I was sketching another drawing of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix. I tap the paper with my pencil and sigh, I haven't seen (Name) in a while and I really want to see her

"Hey Nath, I've got a sandwich for you," Kayla walked into my room with the sandwich in her hand, I turn my head to look at her and smile

"Thanks, sis," I take the plate and place it beside my art book, she smiles and sits on my desk

"So what are you doing?" She says, leaning over to my art book, I blush and hug my art book

"Nothing..." I look down to my lap, I hear my sis giggle

"It's alright but I can tell something is bothering you, what's wrong?" Kayla asks, I sigh

"I haven't seen (Name) for a while and I'm worried something has happened," I hug my art book tighter, I feel my sis place her hand on my shoulder

"It's alright, I'm sure she's ok," Kayla smiles at me, I smile back and nod my head

"She's a strong girl, I know she will be fine she has her brother with her," Kayla says patting my head

"Alright..." I look back down at my lap

"Would you like to go and see her?" Kayla says placing her hands on her hips, I look at her and nod my head, Kayla giggles

"Alright, let's go then," She starts walking out of my room, myself following behind

-Sabastian's POV-

I was walking back downstairs to the kitchen while Travis helps (Name) with her wound, I feel my phone go buzz and look at it


"Hey can we come over, Nath wants to see how (Name)'s going"

-Kayla <3

I gasp loudly and run back upstairs, running into (Name)'s room and face planting onto her bed

"Um, Sab what's wrong?" (Name) asks, I lift up my hand to show her my phone, she gasps

"Tell her that we are out shopping for something like that, I don't want Nathaniel to see me like this!" (Name) yells

"AHHHHHH!" I yell and type fast


"Ah, sorry Kayla but my sis and I are out shopping at the moment, maybe another time?"


"There," I sigh and face plant back onto (Name)'s bed, (Name) taking my phone from me

"Ah, she said she's still coming over anyway,"

"WHAT?!" I yell and jump off the bed

"Just stay in here, I'll lock your door and say that you've been sick all day,"

"What about the whole 'We went shopping thing?'" (Name) asks

"I'll say that we went out because we needed more medical stuff for you," I giggle softly and run out the room

"Travis stay here with her and keep an eye on her wing," Travis nods his head and sits on the bed next to (Name), I gasp as I hear the doorbell ring

"Alright, just stay quiet," I close the door and run downstairs, opening the door to Kayla and Nathaniel there

"Hey guys," I smile and move out of the way, letting them inside

"(Name)'s upstairs, asleep and she's not feeling well," I explain, blocking the stairs

"But your text said you were at the shops," Kayla tilts her head, I laugh and nod my head

"We were, we just got back from getting (Name) some more medicine," I smile softly and look upstairs

"I just hope she turns out alright..." I sigh, looking down at the ground

-Sorry, this a long time to do!! It toke me a while to remember what I had for this chapter, anyways I hope you like this chapter

Vote if you liked it, Comment if you see any spelling mistakes and share with your friends-

Kay-chan out!

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