Chapter Ten: Distracted

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"Allison? Hello? Are you even listening to me?"

I glanced up. Georgia was staring at me.

"Sorry, what?" I asked. I hadn't exactly been paying attention. I'd had a lot on my mind these past few days. It was now Monday, and since Friday night, I'd been feeling a little lost.

Georgia laughed. "You're so spaced out! What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," I smiled. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

"Hey, where were you on Friday?" Georgia suddenly asked, leaning across the table towards me. "I tried calling your house but your mom said you were babysitting. Since when do you babysit?"

"Oh, um, it was sort of a one-off thing,"

"For who?"

"For Mr. Halter, actually."

Her eyes widened. "He has a kid?"

I nodded my head.

"Wait, is he married?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Wait - why did Mr. Halter ask you to babysit for him? He doesn't even teach you."

"Um," I hesitated, feeling a little lost. "His dad knows Walter - they sort of volunteered me."

Georgia frowned, and laughed at the same time. "That is so weird. I don't think I'd be able to go to a teachers house. It's just not normal!" she giggled. "Was it weird?"

"Um, no, not really," I lied. Because in truth, it was pretty weird. More so than she could ever imagine.

"So, you never told me whether you're going to the dance or not this week," Georgia said, taking a sip from her drink, changing the subject entirely, thankfully.

I sighed. "I don't know. I don't really have anyone to go with. I mean, you have Andrew... I don't have an Andrew."

"I'll find you an Andrew!" She smiled. "Trust me, there are hundreds of boys here that are dying to take you. They're just too intimidated by your other worldly good looks to ask."

I laughed. "You're insane,"

"I know, I know."

I stood up. “Look, I’ll think about it. But no promises.”

She smiled. “Good enough for me! I will find you a date, Allison.”

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

“If it’s the last thing I do, I will find you a date!” She bellowed after me


I went home and found Ben waiting at the door for me.

“Let’s go to the park! Mom said you’d take me!” he instantly began to beg.

I smiled down at him. “Okay, okay. Just not right now – later.”

He pouted.

“I’ll buy you icecream, too,” I reasoned.

He grinned real big. “Okay!”

I made myself a snack and made a start on my physics homework. I was really falling behind. My past two tests haven’t even hit the 40% mark. It was so frustrating because I’d been trying so hard – I studied and did my homework every night. Yet I still managed to fail every test I’d been given.

I gave up after thirty minutes of failed attempts. I found Ben in his bedroom.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked.

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