I'm here for you....

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This is another ExplodingSheep text fic that was requested by tmntgirl6802 and the lovely art above is created by Psycho_Shep
Also, I'm learning how to write a fanfic, so this text fic might be a little bit different 😅

Hope you enjoy this text fic, fanfic, whatever you want to call it...

~In Tnt town.......

Pink Sheep have walking (or trotting since he's walking on all fours)in circle for 2 hours, thinking about the things that he said to ExplodingTnt....

"I never actually meant anything that I said to him....After all I have reputation in the PGN.....",he sighs. 'Should I apologise to him? Does he hate me for saying stuffs like that?What have I done? Me and my stupid mouth....' These thoughts have been spinning around and around in his head.

Meanwhile in ExplodingTnt's house...

"I know that he never meant it but why does it hurts so much....? He's my friend...No!....He's my best friend...My opposite to be exact...."A/N: Got that from XxEclipseandCoxX As much as Tnt calls Pink Sheep his best friend/opposite, he has a Major crush on him for a long time....When the two first met, to be exact... He wanted to confess to him but Pink Sheep is having a hard time with his life, ever since he broke up with his wife, Ender Dragon...
"Ugh....What's wrong with me?!!"yelled Tnt. A/N: I know he use those text bold thing that appears on his head but meh... Tnt walked towards his phone and reached out to grab it. But...he began to hesitate...."Should I text him to see if he's alright...?Or should I wait for him to apologise to me...?Ugh, What should I do??"said Tnt with a worried look on his face. Suddenly, his phone received a notification. Tnt began to panic as his heart was racing...Slowly, he picked up his phone and checked the notification. It was from PINK SHEEP!! "Oh no...," he said under his breath.

PinkSheep: Hello? Tnt, you there?

ExplodingTnt: Yeah, I'm here! What's up?

PinkSheep:......Oh, nothing....

ExplodingTnt: Are you okay? You never text "...." between words

PinkSheep: You noticed,huh?

ExplodingTnt: Of course I do. You're my best friend!

As Pink Sheep reads Tnt's text, he began to cry and feel even more guilty of his words

PinkSheep: Tnt...

ExplodingTnt: Yeah...?



PinkSheep: I called you mouse like all the time and yet.....you're still being so nice to me....

ExplodingTnt: I don't mind at all... You called me so many things and...I don't care because deep down...you never meant it...


ExplodingTnt: Listen, I know you're having a hard time being a single parent to Purple Shep and being a MLG or a PGN at the same time....Just remember that...I'm always here for you....



PinkSheep: Thanks....

ExplodingTnt: No problem....Fam

PinkSheep: 😊

PinkSheep left the conversation

ExplodingTnt left the conversation

As all the struggles that the two have to face, they still know that they have each other...

Sorry for my crappy writing...It's my first fanfic heh

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