Stealing 😜

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A/N: Okay, I was watching ExplodingTnT's newest video and a certain part really interests me... So..without further ado...let's start!!


ExWife EnderDragon: Huh?? Why are you texting me in da middle of da night?🙄

PinkSheep:No reason, just wanna annoy you. Lolololololol

ExWife EnderDragon:.......I swear...if I didn't promise Crystal to not to burn you into crisp, I'll..

PinkSheep: Yeah(2x),whatever. Anyway,your son did something to me..

ExWife EnderDragon:Okay let me stop you right there!

1: He's your son too
2: He's done so many questionable things...until I lost count

PinkSheep: Well...that's PurpleShep alright

ExWife EnderDragon: Okay2. What did he do?

PinkSheep: I was taking a shower as usual and then...

ExWife EnderDragon: Go on..

PinkSheep: Once I finished, I tried to look for my clothes and...

ExWife EnderDragon:.....?

PinkSheep: PurpleShep decided to play dress up with it

ExWife EnderDragon:HhahahahahahahhqahqhahahahhaahahahOhmynotch,Imdying!!!?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

PinkSheep:It's not funny!!😤😤 I had to chase him down wearing nothing but a towel!!

ExWife EnderDragon: Oh my gosh!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂 Even better!!!

PinkSheep:.........Haih, I blame you for his speed

A/N=PurpleShep might have a speed of dragon but then again....he has stubby sheep legs..

ExWife EnderDragon: Wow, thanks for the compliment 😉

PinkSheep: That was an insult..😑

ExWife EnderDragon: Welp, I beg to differ. Did you catch him btw?

PinkSheep: Got my pants but lost my hoodie. Doesnt looks like he wants to give it back

ExWife EnderDragon: He just wants to be like his know that?

PinkSheep: Oh well look at the time!! Gotta go to bed BYE!!

ExWife EnderDragon: uhh....bye and night??

Please comment and vote if you want more and send me some suggestions!!

Now if you excuse me, I'll take a cat nap😴

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