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PinkSheep is online

Failboat is online

MouseTnt is online (hey?! Who changed that?!?!?)

PUrpLeShEp is online

PinkSheep: Lolololololololololol did you see Tnt's name?????😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

MouseTnt:Who changed my name?!?!?!(。ì _ í。)

Failboat: Pffffttt!!! Good one!!👍

MouseTnt: Change it back!!!!!

PUrpLeShEp: HahHaHaahAhahahahahhaA!!! Uncle MouseMan admits it!!!


What does admits mean??

Failboat: Argh!!!

PinkSheep: Okay fam! I had my fun😅

MouseTnt changed to ExplodingMouseTnt


PinkSheep: Anyway, why did you ask us to be online fam??

ExplodingMouseTnt: Ahh,glad you asked!! Someone new finally moved to Tnt Town and Tnt chatroom!!

( Failboat hush!!!)

PinkSheep: Whhhaaat??

PUrpLeShEp: Wait, what??

(A/N= shoot!! Just noticed I messed it up😐)

???? Is online

????: Hello everyone!!

Failboat: Ummm...Tnt....why is her name censored?

ExplodingMouseTnt: Ohh.

???? changed to ItzLizz

ItzLizz:Oh thanks!!

PinkSheep: Oh hey!!! Tomato soup!!!

PUrpLeShEp: HahahAhahahahHahah Its gRaMMa LIzZArD

ItzLiz:My hair is not Tomato Soup and I'm not a Lizzard..

Failboat: Haha....that's not gonna stop them......


🎉Welcome to the TnT crew,Liz!!!🎉

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