The Nazi fiasco

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Mrs. ILCB: Okay class, today we are going to learn about WWII in Social Studies. Okay, do you have any background knowledge to start us off?

BOP: Ooo! Ooo! Me!

Mrs. ILCB: What a surprise! Okay BOP, what do you have?

Narrator: BOP is in super action packed mode:

BOP: I know about…Nazis!

Narrator: BOP’s hands are shaped as guns

BOP: Kaboom! Boom!

Mrs. ILCB: *sigh*, BOP, when you answer a question, I always wonder if it’s going to be normal, but I’m always disappointed…okay class, without the unnessesary sound effects, BOP is correct

Class: *gasp*

BOP: I know, I know, I’m just filled with awesomeness!

Mrs. ILCB: *sigh*, this is going to be a long lesson

Narrator: At home…

BOP: Dad! Guess what?

Dad: What…

BOP: We learned about Nazis!

Dad: *very, very excited* Coo! What kind of new ice cream flavor is that?!

Narrator: Awkward silence…

BOP: Uh dad, they were the bad guys in WWII

Narrator: Dad obviously doesn’t understand because he is stupid

Dad: Oh…okay

BOP: I’m going to my room…

Dad: Okay! Hmm, I never knew Nazis existed that long ago…oh well!

BOP: Dad…shut up before someone hears you

Dad: …do Nazis have strawberry flavoring? I LOVE STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM!

BOP: …okay then, sure dad, sure it does…

Dad: Yahoo! I’m going to work hard so Ashley can buy me Nazis!

Narrator: Mom comes home!

Mom: I’m home! Boy am I tired!

Narrator: Mom sits on the couch, and dad rushes to her aid

Mom: *thinking* Hmm…what is Max up to? Usually it’s about a new flavor of ice cream that is selling at the ice cream shop, but I checked today and there was no new flavor! Oh well, I might as well enjoy it while I can…


Dad: I’ll get it

Grandpa: Hi son

Dad: Hi dad

Narrator: BOP runs down to stairs

BOP: Hi grandpa! We’re learning about Nazis in school!

Grandpa: Nazis?!? Everybody run! Before they bomb us! They could be anywhere by now!!

Dad: Anywhere? Ooooo! I’m looking in the yard!

Grandpa: Don’t Max! Don’t risk your life

Dad: But I have to! My life depends on it!

Grandpa: Oh well, it’s not like Max can fight for us. Anyway, it’s just one loss. Go ahead Max, we will always remember you…*whispers* get his coffin ready…

Dad: Yippee! Nazis here I come! Today is a good day too! Because I’m hungry today!


Grandma: Hi everybody!

Dad: NAZIS!!


Dad: I’m going to find Nazis!

Grandma: Max, don’t try to be a hero. The Nazis will find us soon enough, so we’ll have to hide

Narrator: Grandpa comes over and whispers to grandma

Grandma: Never mind! Max, go and be a hero! I will never forget you!

Dad: Ya!

Narrator: Dad goes to the garden

Dad: Hmm, where are you Nazis?

Rattle rattle

Dad: What is that moving sound?

Rattle rattle

Dad: Oh!

Narrator: Dad runs to the flower garden and destroys all the flowers

Dad: Hey! I found you now Nazis!

Mom: Huh? Max, what are you doing here?

Dad: …nothing…

Mom: Ahhh! My flowers! Max, you idiot!!!!!

Narrator: Mom whacks dad with a shovel!

Dad: What did I do?

Max, Ashley, Marykay, and BrownieWhere stories live. Discover now