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I felt embarrassed, wounded, worthless, all at once as the cherry beside me was lifted from the practically empty bowl.

Sherie's smirk was laced with smugness before she disappeared between two plump lips that were stained a light red from their previous fruitful encounters.

Now I laid bare in the glass bowl, alone, aside from some forgotten green stems. I was the last cherry. I felt ashamed, had I been left last because I was not as appealing as the others? Did I not seem as ripe or as juicy as the others?

I quivered, maybe he would throw the final contents of the bowl out, me included. Now that would be beyond shameful for any produce, cherry or not, to be disowned and thrown away. But it happens quite often and I was suddenly afraid that this would be my fate.

Left to my thoughts, I hadn't realised that his hand was reaching in until his calloused fingers gently pull me from the glass. Brought to his sight, I see two endless pools of grey wandering of my glossy body, a look of hunger in them that made me instantly lustful. 

He mumbles, "I'll have to savour you," before a pink tongue peeks from between his lips, licking the bottom one.

I was placed between his white teeth where they lightly pushed down on me, stopping when they reached my core. Skillfully, his tongue and teeth work together to pull the see from within me and I cry out as it finally pops out, my red juices drip as it does. The seed rolls off his tongue into a spare bowl, making a soft clink sound, reminding me that was real. 

I obviously had little experience with situations such as this but I had heard enough at the grocery store about popping cherries to know that this was it. The emotions, sensations, matched everything the women had been talking about. 

Before I could regain rationality, his tongue assaulted my now-empty centre before bringing me once again to his teeth. I let out of a soft moan as he bit down, my sight blackening as my senses failed from the overload of pleasure.

He hummed with satisfaction and I knew that this was the best finale that any cherry could succumb to. 


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