Talking and Dishes

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I walked into the kitchen, one of the few places I felt truly comfortable, and proceeded to grab a flowery apron off a hook. I put it on and reached for the two pieces of cloth that are to go around my waist. After struggling to tie a bow for several seconds, I huffed and lifted my head to look for Yuri, who happened to be sitting at a table not to far away. I could see that his eyes were full of laughter as he watched me suffer.  This observation irked me a bit, but I forced the irritation down and asked him to help, to which he shook his head.

"Why should I? You seem to be doing a great job with that apron yourself," he stated as he leaned his head on his left hand and stared at me. I debated trying to be a smartass and saying something back, but instead turned away with a quiet, "fine" and walked to the refrigerator.

"What would you like?" I questioned whilst I discreetly attempted to tie the apron once again.

Instead of answering my question, Yuri put on an impish smirk and said, "That apron sure is putting up a fight isn't it? Who knew flowers could be so terrifying."

"What's terrifying is you attitude," I growled under my breath and stomped over to where he was sitting and turned around. "Just tie the damn thing already!" And sure enough, within moments I felt to small hands take the fabric strips and tie them together. Whether it was a bow or not, I wasn't sure.

"Oh, and can you make a katsudon?" Yuri asked, to which I nodded. 

Although I had never made one before, I had already eaten a few and had some guesses as to how they were made. I set what was needed onto the stove and set to work cutting and mixing. I felt a little unsettled because I could feel two eyes piercing me from behind.

"U-Um could you not stare?" I turned my head a bit to face the person in question. 

Yuri's face promptly blossomed into a pale pink color as he stuttered, "Wh-I don- I wasn't staring at anyone!" Mentally face palming, I shrugged and finished cooking. I scooped the utensils I used into the sink and brought the blue eyed male his food.

I sat opposite him at the table and watched as he ate in silence. After thoroughly stuffing his face with would, Yuri said, "You know, that wasn't even that bad. I didn't except you to know how to cook." He then saw my confused expression and realized that he had spoken. 

"Shit I said that out loud didn't I?" He said. I nodded.

"What's bad about saying that out loud?" I inquired. "What's bad about complimenting my cooking?"

"Everything!" He exclaimed. "And don't take it as a compliment." Yuri's voice got quieter as he continued, "And Victor were to catch wind of this, I would get even more crap from him everyday about how cute we would b . . ."

"Yeah, Victor can go a little overboard sometimes I guess, but let him have his fun! He's almost thirty and he's babysitting two 'kids'" I reply with utmost sincerity.

"Hey who are you calling a kid?" Yuri instantly rebuked my statement with his own.

I sighed and picked up his now empty bowl, proceeding to walk to the kitchen sink. I turned on the water and began scrubbing away at dishes with a small sponge. The only thing that surprised me was when Yuri showed up next to me, and began drying the dishes and putting them in their respectable places. I opened my mouth to ask why he was helping, but instead remained silent with a small silent. 

My train of thought was interrupted when the front door was slammed open and in came five happy adults. My parents nodded a hello and mentioned that they were going to bed, and my brother and sister soon followed. Only Victor remained frozen as he held eye contact with an also frozen Yuri. I waved my hand in front of Yuri's face to get his attention to which he didn't even blink. 

Gently swatting away my hand, Yuri was upstairs in a flash, leaving me alone with a gaping Victor. 

"What's so strange?" I asked, "And what just happened?"

With a chuckle, Victor replied, "Oh nothing you should worry about. I just can't believe that Yuri was helping someone, and you of all people, wash dishes!"

Still confused, I finished up the dishes and walked to my room to get my pajamas. I then headed to the bathroom for a shower. As the warm water poured down on me, I couldn't help but wonder..

'What is this fuzzing feeling?'


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for waiting this long! A special thanks to @LittleBowlOfFishies and @Dimka28  for helping with ideas for this chapter!  Also thanks for all of the reads and votes and comments. Nothing really makes my day like my phone bussing a notification from wattpad popping up! The next chapter will not take a month to write, In fact I hop to get it out within a week.


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