Part 2

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                                                                   TIM'S POV

I passed the door, showing my school ID to the security guards. I made my way upstairs, heading to my homeroom, which is where we wait when we reach school before lessons start. We're supposed to silent read, but who ever does that, other than nerds or people who actually like the book they brought to school with them. I set my bag down on the chair and got my pencil case and some text books out, I forgot to do my homework last night, well because my dad came home early and started beating the shit out of Mason and I. I opened my math text book to page 394 (A/N: HARRY POTTER REFERENCE YEAH) and started to solve the problems in my notebook when Jake came up to me.

"Hey Tim," Jake snarled at me. Hey, a friendly remark usually used to greet one another, but not in this case. Jake shoved me down on my desk, my back colliding with the sharp edges of the tables, causing me close my eyes and wince in pain, trying not to show fear. I looked down, barely able to catch the last miliseconds of what Jake was about to do. Jake's knee was jammed into my crotch as I doubled over in pain, falling to the ground. And that was when the bell rung, also when Mr Mike came into our class. 

"Tim, why are you on the ground?" he asked me, obviously annoyed. 

"My stomach hurt, can I go to the Health Center?" I asked, all i wanted to do was get away from Jake right now, and he was staring me down, smirking.

"Very well," Mr Mike obliged, taking a slip and writing my name and the problem, as well as the time and the date. I took the peice of folded paper and put it in my pocket as I muttered a thank you. I got out of the class as quick as I could without running, which was pretty fast. When I closed the door, I let out a breath I'd been holding in since Jake kneed me. 

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