Who I Would Recommend this Game To

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- I would recommend Beyond Oasis to gamers who love playing hidden gems.

- I HIGHLY recommend Beyond Oasis to Sega fans.

- I recommend Beyond Oasis to anyone who likes playing interesting Zelda-Like games like 3D Dot Game Heroes, and is willing to give Zelda-Like's a chance.

- I recommend Beyond Oasis to hardcore fans of the 16 bit era, who want to get a little bit of nostalgia for what games used to be like during that time period.

- I recommend Beyond Oasis to the big time internet gamers who cover Zelda content on a regular basis. I feel like the game needs more exposure.

- I highly recommend Beyond Oasis to gamers who like the core idea of Zelda, but wish that there were improvements to the combat, and more originality in the story.

- I recommend Beyond Oasis to gamers who like Zelda games, who don't care about online discussion or opinions, who just want to sit down and have fun with something like Zelda.

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