everyone loves to speak about the stars and gazing on them with another.
talking about making constellations with the passion in our lips and the fire in our eyes
but there are no stars to gaze upon; for we have taken the ability with the city lights
raised to be stressed beings, and produced to do the same thing.
while they sit looking for stars never to come, would you like to hold my hand tight and run the cities with me?
not a care in sight, tension of the past gone
the bulbs will never leave,
but the lights might go out.
would you still take the risk considering the possibility?
young by vallis alps
april 25, 2017
Poetry(PART 2) first, comes the tentacles of the fear, naivety, and greed that wrap around our necks. then, comes the blades of courage that prevent them from suffocating us. trep·i·da·tion trepəˈdāSH(ə)n/ noun a feeling of fear or agitation about someth...