Chapter 8: The Wedding

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I go to work the next day, despite being told not too. I told Fred I would stay home but as soon as he left I got up and got ready to go. I had plenty of work to do, I missed a day and it will keep stacking up while till I come in. I still had a bruise on my face and was much slower than usual. I was trying to brush out my bush hair when an owl came in with a letter for me. I open to see I am being called to a trial against Lucius Malfoy. I quickly wrote back saying I would be able to make it then I leave. I apparated to the ministry, but being squeezed in the weirdest positions tends to hurt a bit when I'm completely injury free, but this was obviously worse. When I got to the ministry I went right down to where the hearing is and wait for a few minutes till Fred, Bill and Harry arrive. Yesterday Harry was sent out to get Malfoy and bring him in.

"Hermione you should have stayed home, I could have handled things."

"I know but they wouldn't let you Fred. Besides I have work to do here then I'm going to get my dress. May 20th can come soon enough." The wedding will be in almost four months. I needed to get my dress and figure almost everything else out. Fred had said many times he doesn't want to help with the wedding, he said make it be my dream wedding. I talked to George many times to see if there is anything Fred would want and he said something funny.

"Fine then. You won't wait for Ginny to come with you?"

"She is, Ginny leaves tomorrow for hogwarts so I told her we would look today. Mrs Weasley and my dad are coming with us."

"Okay then. I know you will beautifull in whatever you choose."

"Thank you-"

"I don't deserve azkaban! I am innocent! I did nothing wrong!" Malfoy screams as he is brought in. There are dementors all around him and Malfoy had the same clothes on as a few nights ago.

"Really, so you didn't perform the Cruciatus curse On Hermione Granger two days ago by the bar you were at?"

"Well, yes I did that but-"

"I'm sorry Mr Malfoy that is automatically a life sentence. We know you were a death eater for you-know-who but was anyone else with you?"

"Yes, my son Draco, Dolores Umbridge-"

"She is already in Azkaban. Your son was a death eater?"

"Yes, he was sent to kill Dumbledore but Snape ended up doing that."

"I can assure you that Draco is not capable of being a death eater. I knew him from school, while he may have been a bit annoying from time to time he was never strong enough to be a death eater." I say standing up. Part of me knew I shouldn't say anything but I had too. Draco was really quite nice and kind hearted at school, it was just his friends. When he 'became' a death eater he got the mark removed almost right after dumbledore died. He knew it might come back even after that so he got a different tattoo that was of a broom. "If you don't believe me then be smart and check their arms." I look over at Draco across from me and he gives me both a questionable look and a look of thanks. I sit back down with Fred and he grabs my hand. By the end of the hearing Lucius Malfoy was sentenced life in Azkaban. He would probably die within the first year because he is so weak. I head to my office to get my work done so I can leave.

"Hermione?" Someone knocks on the door, I look up to see Draco entering my office. "I wanted to thank you. They did actually look at my arms, and there was no visible mark. My dad was a jerk and abusive. I had to be what he wanted and how he wanted. I probably shouldn't say it but I'm glad he will be gone. Also, I applied for a job as an arror here."

"Draco that's great, maybe tomorrow we can meet for lunch if you really want to-"

"Yes, that would be great. How about noon at the Leaky Cauldron?"

"Okay then. I need to get back to work now though, I have to get a dress at one o'clock."

"Okay good-bye Hermione." He leaves my office as Harry comes in.


"Potter." While Draco might have been calling me by my name he isn't to Harry.

"What were you talking to him for?"

"He came in to thank me, were going to lunch tomorrow too at noon-"

"Really, aren't you engaged to Fred though?"

"Yeah, it's not a date."

"With Malfoy he might make it one."

"No he won't. Besides I have to leave to get my dress. Do you want to come with us?"

"Could I?" I giggle at how excited Harry sounded.

"You're always welcome Harry."

"Hell yeah. I'm going to take the day off to go then." Before I can respond Harry is dashing out of my office. I finish the paperwork I was on then got up to go. As I was walking out Harry came up right next to me.

"Where are we going?"

"A dress place down town. We have an hour before the appointment so do you want to grab something to eat?"

"Might as well." after we get food we go to the place and look at some dresses. Harry keep showing me some with long sleeves and I keep looking at sweetheart necklines. When everyone else came it took a while before we found my dress. It was a v-neck and had a lacy top and ballroom bottom. I go and meet with someone about our flowers the next day. We got lilies and roses. I choose a few prank ones for fred and George. The colors are teal and coral, my favorite. When the wedding day comes none of us are actually ready. It will be at the Weasley's like planned. We have everything set up the day before. I was going to stay at the Burrow and Fred at the house. Draco wanted to come when I told him about it at lunch and he has been trying to be with me all the time. Him and Fred have gotten to know each other so well. Draco and a half blood have been dating for some time now so he wanted me to meet her. I get dressed and Ginny, my maid of honor, does my hair, she got out of school early for this. We invited Mcgonagall and Slughorn who both came. Ron broke up with Pavarti soon after and was now dating some other girl who I don't know, poor thing. No one said anything about how Ron can be. Finally after feeling like waiting forever we start the Wedding. My mum ended up not coming, but my dad walked me down the aisle. The wedding was a muggle traditional one.

"Do you Fredric Weasley Take Hermione Granger to be your Wife?"

"I do."

"And do you Hermione Granger take Fredric Weasley to be your husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride." Fred pulls me close to him and kisses me like never before, not messy but gently.

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