Chapter 52

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Jason's P.O.V.
We stopped at Starbucks and now are on our way to the mystery stop. Its just around 5 o'clock and the sky is starting to get brighter. Sarah makes her way along the road without saying a word. Soon we start to pull into a lot next to a big open field with a walking path around it.
  "Sarah, why are we up so early for a morning walk?" I groan just wanting to go back to sleep with my baby wrapped in my arms.
  "We aren't just get out of the car." She says opening her door. A gust of cool summer morning air comes into the car. I quickly open my door after Sarah closes hers. She leans against the side of the car that's facing the east.
  "Were watching the sunrise?" I ask when I finally get it. She nods her head and pulls me next to her.
  "This is the best view you'll ever get. No tall skyscrapers in the way." She says with a soft smile. She studies the horizon waiting to see the beautiful colors.
  "Another tradition?" I ask. Her Kelsey seemed to have had good lives here since she's told me so much.
  "Every Saturday morning. It was our own personal religion." She says.
  "You seem to have loved it here. Why leave?" I ask. I know she's told a few reasons but why leave somewhere if you love it.
  "I don't know. I guess we wanted to start fresh. Kelsey was with me every day and night since I was young. She knew the city was the best." She explains softly.
  "Would you ever come back?" I ask her. Her eyes shift to mine and then back to the sky.
  "When I'm ready to start a family, absolutely." She says with a smile.
  "Well then that day might come. I hope it's with me." I mumble softly so she doesn't hear. It's impossible though since we are so close. She doesn't bother to answer and I'm okay with that.
Colors start to finally come into the sky. Pink and orange decorate the sky and it's beautiful. Sarah's eyes go wide at the beautiful sight. This is so much better than watching one through the buildings in Chicago.
"Let's take a picture." She half squeals pulling out her phone. She faces the west and I do the same. She holds her phone up high to get the background. One tape to focus and the picture is captured. We examine it together and it's absolutely beautiful. Sarah's eyes sparkle and her smile is more than perfect and beautiful. I look just the same standing next to her.
"I love it." She says with a big smile. I give her a quick kiss.
"I do too but not as much as I love you." I say. She rolls her eyes playfully.
"I love you too. Now let's head back home before dad gets worried that we ran off back to the city." She giggles walking back to the driver side door.
  We go back home and her dad is asleep still. Sarah says we should make breakfast for her dad and that's exactly what we do. I help with the small things until we are done and setting the table. James walks out just as we finish placing the food on the table.
"Something smells good." He chimes pulling out a chair from the small four person table.
"It sure does." Sarah smiles sitting next to her dad. I sit across from her so it doesn't look like I'm afraid of her dad. One day he might be my father in-law. Last night in the garage was pretty cool. James has three cars. A GTO, '52 Buick, and a street car. We talked for a while over a beer.
"So what's the occasion for being up so early." He dad asks scooping scrambled eggs on to his plate.
"Sarah thought it would be nice to have a family breakfast together." Sarah looks up from her plate when I say family. She probably wasn't expecting me to say something like that. I just give her a small smile.
"Well I think it's a good idea." James says patting me on the back. We all carry on eating our food and laughing at jokes. I clean up the dishes after arguing about it with Sarah.
  "So what's the plan today?" Sarah asks her dad as they move to the living room rather than kitchen.
  "Well it's up to you." He says. My phone interrupts the conversation. I look at the caller ID and it's Brandon.
  "Excuse me I need to take this." I say. I dash up he stairs and answer.
  "Hey." I say as I walk into Sarah's bedroom.
  "Hey. Is this a bad time?" He asks.
  "Not really. What's up?" I ask.
  "Nothing I just need help with something. I want to propose to Kelsey." He says happily.
  "How can I help?" I ask.
  "I want to do it at the Fourth of July party you were telling me about." He says.
  "We can definitely make it happen." I say.
  "Okay well we can map out the details later. I gotta go. Don't tell Sarah but tell her I said hi." He says quickly.
  "Alright talk to ya later." I say and he hangs up. I head back downstairs to the living room. I sit back next to Sarah as she scrolls through her phone.
"Who called?" Sarah asks looking at me.
"Brandon." I say.
"Oh cool. So I was thinking we could just hangout for the day." She says with a shrug. I nod my head and we sit back and relax for the rest of the day.

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