Chapter 24

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Apparently we weren’t the only one watching the game. Connor and I were the talk of the town. The next morning whenever I went for a run, I could feel the stares of the town folk and I could hear the whispers. Gossip around here travels fast, even faster when it revolves around the hometown star.

All around me people were staring at me, making me feel rather uncomfortable. I went on the run to clear my mind and now it seems like it just gave me more thoughts to think about.

I stop briefly to catch my breath whenever Mrs. Neil, an older lady known for her abilities to find out information, approached me.

“Oh sweetie, you should be cleaning up! Yet again, you will want to lose a few pounds to look good in a wedding dress.”

“Why would I need to clean up?” I ask.

“Didn’t you hear? Oh I thought he would have told you.”

“Mrs. Neil, I have no idea what you are talking about. Please fill me in,” I beg.

“A Mr. Connor O’Shea is coming back to town, today to be precise.”

If it came from someone else, I probably wouldn’t have believed them. Considering the town gossiper knows everything, I can’t help but believe her.

She gives me a knowing smile, “Baby girl, we all know you haven’t had it easy. If it weren’t for your brothers and Connor, you wouldn’t be the same girl you are today. That boy makes you happy, happier than you’ve been since your daddy died. He might’ve made a few mistakes, but forgive him. We all make mistakes.”

“I know, but he left me, he didn’t even try to contact me in that time period.”

“Sweetheart, men are filled with pride. It probably took him a long time to realize he made a mistake and get past his pride to make his wrong right. But then maybe he wanted to woo you a little,” She winked at me, “you know, sweeten you up so you couldn’t refuse.”

After saying goodbye to Mrs. Neil, I start running in the direction back towards my house. Once inside, I find it empty. I walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water and notice a note on the refrigerator.

Spending the night at Benjamin’s, I want to

finally meet my grandbaby. I’ll be home

late tomorrow night, love you baby girl.


Smiling slightly, I set the note down on the counter and go to take a shower. After I’m done in the shower, I change into a Steelers hoodie and a pair of jean shorts. The sound of the doorbell catches me off guard. I don’t think I’m expecting anybody?

Walking down the steps, I can see someone standing in front of the door through the window.

Opening the door, I’m greeted with the sight of Connor. Before either of us could say anything, I jump into his arms and wrap mine around his neck. It takes him a few seconds to comprehend what’s going on; he wraps his strong arms around my waist. He tightens his hold on me as if afraid to let me go. I rest my cheek on his shoulder, this is where I belong, right here in his arms.

Nothing could even compare to the feeling of warmth and security that I felt in his arms. We stayed like that for a few moments until I remembered that I’m mad at him. Pulling away slightly, I pound my fists against his chest. He just stands there, unaffected by the punching I’m doing.

“Why didn’t you call?” I give up, sagging against his chest again. He tightens his hold around my waist and leans his head upon mine. I feel him kiss the top of my head, staying there for a few seconds before responding.

“Trust me, I wanted to. Since the moment I realized I loved you, I wanted to call you.”

“Then why didn’t you?

“I was afraid you wouldn’t answer or worse, you’d say that you didn’t love me anymore. I figured if I did a grand gesture to prove that I loved you, you’d believe me.”

“I would’ve believed you either way.”

“I realized that now, which would’ve been helpful. Maybe I wouldn’t have had to embarrass myself in front of the whole country,” he confessed.

“I thought it was romantic,” I replied.

“Then I don’t regret it at all.”

“Just promise me something.”

“Anything baby,” he said.

“Don’t ever do that to me again,” I plead.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He said, kissing me on the forehead.

“Good, can you do me one more favor?”

“Sure,” he chuckles.

“Tell me in person.”

He gives me a knowing look, “I love you. I love you with all my heart, nothing will ever change that. I want to wake up next to you each morning and fall asleep holding you each night. I want to start a family with you, I want to hear the pitter patter or children’s feet running across our floor and to hear you laugh; knowing that I’m the one that made you laugh in the first place. I want all of that and so much more,” He kneels down on one knee and pulls out a beautiful engagement ring from his pocket, “Nellie, will you make my dreams come true by marrying me?”

“Yes a thousand times yes!”

Connor picks me up and spins me around, causing both of us to laugh with joy.

“I love you, Connor.”

“I love you too, Nell.”

And with that, we made our way upstairs towards the bedroom to make up for lost time.

One more chapter left! I don’t know if I’m going to write Jake’s story. I feel like I just want this to only be about Nell and Connor. Maybe eventually I’ll write Jake’s story. Comment below on whether you want me to or not and say if you like the plot or not.

The towns no buddy is back in town. Feeling a little homesick, Delilah accepts a job offer to be her alma mater’s librarian. She gets a late invite to her schools ten year reunion and when she’s there, she is approached by the towns playboy, Jake Douglas, who just so happens to be the schools soccer coach. After a few dances, she leaves him high and dry. Jake can’t believe the school’s ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. Delilah tries to avoid him, but Jake always gets what he wants and right now, that’s Delilah.

Happy Easter every one (:

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