Chapter 2

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(Skylar's POV)

After sifting through box after box looking for appropriate things to wear to this party I finally have up. Going through the bathroom that separated me and Bryanna’s bedroom, I knocked on her door. She answered scowling at me.

"What are you wearing?" I asked annoyed

"This" she pointed to the hanger on her closet. It was a short bright ass pink dress.

I groaned. "Can i just wear jeans?"

"Suit yourself. I’m going to dress to impress. If you wanna look like a hobo I’m not stopping you. Just act like you don't know me. You'll ruin my rep." She squinted her eyes at me. Bryanna slammed the door in my face yelling "Be ready in an hour!" I rolled my eyes turning on my heel back into my bedroom. I put on some jeans with a Nirvana t-shirt. I couldn't give a damn about what anyone thinks. Fuck them. I got ready and decided to leave my hair in its natural waves. I slipped ok my vans and headed to the mirror to do my makeup. I put on a bit of foundation to even out my skin tone along with some eyeliner and mascara. After brushing my teeth and putting on some lip gloss I was now waiting on Bryanna’s bitch ass. I laid on my bed now playing Flappy Bird on my phone. Fucking hate this game. I heard a scream from none other than the step monster "C'mon Skylar let’s go!" I sighed getting up and walking down stairs to see cake faced, whore looking Bryanna standing next to her mother.

"What. Are. You. Wearing?" Delilah asked clearly annoyed with my poor choice of clothing.

"Clothes." I replied in a childish manner.

She shook her head "Get in the car." I slipped my phone into my back pocket while following the two girls outside. Hearing the clicking of Bryanna’s heels made me start having a headache already. The drive wasn’t far as we pulled up to a massive house. We walked up the steps, Bryanna a couple steps ahead of me. We entered the door and the next you know Bryanna was fucking ghost. Gone. Drunken bodies were flinging everywhere.

"Heey baby." Some boy slurred into my ear wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Um. Ew." I elbowed him in the gut causing him to let go of me. I followed the rest of the crowd until i found the kitchen. Pouring myself a drink I sat in a kitchen stool away from the game of beer pong occurring at the kitchen table. I heard the scraping of a chair to see a pretty blonde girl sit beside me.

"Hii! I’m Kaytee!" She said holding her hand out for me to shake.

"Skylar" I smiled holding my hand out as well.

"You look kind of lonely. Here with anyone?" She asked

"We'll i was here with my stepsister but she vanished..." I trailed off.

"Oh well your more than welcome to hand out with me and my friends over there." Kaytee pointed to a group of teenagers about my age

"Umm...i don’t know. I wouldn't wanna disrupt anything." I honestly wasn't sure. I’m not good with people.

"No, you're good babe trust me." She called this dark haired boy over with the rest of the 'gang' following close by. The boy wrapped his arms around Kaytee’s waist before giving her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed before remembering I was sitting next to her.

She cleared her throat before speaking “Erm. This is my boyfriend Calum.” He slightly waved at me shooting me a smile before adverting his attention back to his girlfriend.

“Over there is Ashton and Elena.” She pointed to a curly haired boy next to a dark haired girl. Elena walked up to me giving me a hug. I was surprised by the sudden action of a girl whom I’ve only met seconds before.

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