Chapter 2:

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I woke up and sat up on my bed staring at the ceiling. I feel like I forgot something I just don't remember what it was. My eyes traced my room and found themselves staring at my clock. It was 10: 48 a.m.

10:48 a.m.

10:48 a.m.

"10:48 a.m." I whispered to myself. wait what?

"Shit, shit, mother fucking shit! It's 10:48 a.m.!!!! I'M LATE!" I quickly scurried to find some pants and put them on. I put my Rolling Stones shirt that was laying on the floor and some converse. I brushed my teeth and put on some deodorant.

Going down the stairs as fast as I could but only to be stopped by my grandma.

"Honey are you okay? I heard screaming"

"Oh yeah well I have community service hours and uhh I'm late"

"Do you want to have some breakfast before you go?"

"Oh well I'm already late might as well be extra late and eat"

After I ate I grabbed my bike and got to the ice rink that they practice on as quickly as I could.

I checked my watch and it was 11:23 a.m. I walked in rather too loudly. They all turned to look at me. I'm guessing he was giving a speech because they were gathered around in a huddle.  Soon I regretted not bringing a jacket. It was freezing cold.

I slowly walked up where the carpet was because if I would walk on the ice I would slip. As I saw their faces I noticed they weren't little kids they were teenagers. Teenagers that went to the same school I attended. One of them stuck out in particular. Banks, Adam Banks.

"You're late" the coach said giving me a death glare.

"Really? I didn't notice" I said hearing the team snicker but quickly stop as the coach gave them a glare.

"I didn't ask for sarcasm did I?"

"I didn't ask to be here did I?" there it was again my smart mouth that I couldn't control.

"Look, Phoebe? is it?"

"Phoenix" I corrected him looking irritated.

"You're here because you have community hours to make up so if I were you I'd have a better attitude"

"Well you're not me" I said bluntly as he rolled his eyes about to introduce me.

"Kids have really bad attitude now a days" he muttered under his breath but continued.

"Guys this is your new manager she's going to help me keep track of how well you guys are improving before the goodwill games", "Phoenix these are the ducks".

I simply nodded as he handed me a list of all their names. I watched them play as a man came in to talk to Bombay. Soon I found out his name was Tibbles, the teams sponsor.

"Phoenix right?" some girl with brown hair came up to me with a smile. I nodded. She extended her hand for me to shake it.  I took her hand and lightly smiled.

"My name's Connie" she said. I simply nodded.

"Phoenix, but you already know that"

"Do you like hockey?"


"Oh" she simply said looking away and then back at me.

"Well you're going to have fun. I promise" she smiled again. I just awkwardly smiled again.

"Hey don't I have you for a class?" Asked none other than Charlie.

"Biology and Algebra" I said.

"We go to the same school?" Asked Connie.

"Yeah" answered Charlie meanwhile I just nodded.

"How come I never see you?"

"I usually end up skipping class or I hardly go to school. It's the main reason why I'm here".

"Ohhh okay" she said nodding her head. Then a blonde girl came near us.

"This is Julie. She's our newest member".

"Hi" I said as she said it back and smiled.

"Never thought I'd see you here Dale"


"Well you thought wrong"

"Did principal Dylan finally get tired of you always missing school" he said smirking.

"And if he did that's none of your damn business" I said rolling my eyes.

"You guys know each other?" Charlie, Julie and Connie all asked.

"I wish I didn't" I said.

"Oh whatever" Adam said.

"We do go to the same school guys" Guy said approaching us and soon everyone was surrounding us.

Soon the whole team was introducing themselves. They were not as annoying as Banks. So that means I'm not going to hate coming here completely.

Bombay made them finish their "team work" exercises.

Practice didn't end until 1:30. Bombay gave everyone a slip for their parents to sign. We were going to travel for the junior goodwill games next week to California. Well at least there was something good about being manager. I was going to travel and not have to go to school for the last weeks.

young blood // adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now