Weak Humanity

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Ever since I could talk my father would forbid me from crying.

"It shows weakness" he'd say

As if not crying would solve the pain.
As if bottling it all up inside like a volcano building pressure would help you find a way to make all the hurt and memories fade away.

Taught to hold it
Hold the pain
Hold the tears
Hold back the people
Never let it, or anything, show

Mistaking normal emotions for fault out of fear of someone's judgement

The victim in a schoolyard being mistakenly used time after time as the seemingly perfect example of a weakling. When in the reality that most are too blind to see, you'll find the weakest one is the scared kid pointing out the flaws in others their to scared to admit having themselves.

But isn't it weaker to let some jerk dictate how you deal with your own feelings because you're petrified that someone may think of you differently?

Isn't it weaker to alter yourself
Define yourself
Not recognize yourself
All because of the fear of one person's opinion of your own fucking self?

The memories may not fade, the pain may not magically disappear overnight like some zit you can put ointment on.
So excuse me if broken hearts take time to put back together
Excuse me if words cut deeper than any knife and if I need more than just a bandaid
Excuse me if my sadness is an inconvenience or makes you feel uncomfortable.
Excuse me if my tears don't wash away your guilt
Oh and please, excuse me if I don't want to be pressured for not being okay.

I don't think any of this is weakness, not even in the slightest... it's called


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