Saving the world, of course

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"Help me!"

Wherever Clara looked all she could see was smoke and fire. The help had to come soon, he was about to choke because of the smoke.

An ice cold scream could de heard through the crackling sound of fire and an explosion, big as a sky scraper showed up on the horizon.

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" The metallic voices got closer to Clara.

"I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here." She repeated the same sentence over and over again as she ran over a layer of wet ashes.

She passed one burning building after the other and saw dead bodies everywhere.

Suddenly, without warning, Clara fell over. She had tripped on something hidden in the muddy ground.

With her head on the ground and with all hope gone, she began to cry. The pouring rain washing her muddy, once red, dress clean.


After a while, there was another metallic sound. This was not a voice, it was a light roaring. Tired, Clara lifted her head.

A big, blue box had appeared out of no where. 'Police public call Box' was written on the top part. The door opened and a tall man with floppy, brown hair, a bow tie and suspenders stepped outside.

"I'm the Doctor." He pulled his suspenders and made an uneasy face when he let go and they hit his chest.

"I'm sorry, but, Doctor who?" Clara looked confused at the stranger in front of her.

"That's a very dangerous question." His face went from smiling to dead serious in a second. "But there is an even more dangerous question to come," he mumbled for himself.

Clara looked up at the man who had stepped out of a Police Box and called himself The Doctor. She had no clue what he was talking about.

"Why are you on the ground anyway?" The Doctor reached out his hand.

"I fell over." Clara took his hand and pulled herself up.

"What did you do that for?"

"I didn't do it on purpose." She began to twist out the water from her dress, annoyed that the unknown man asked so dumb questions.

The Doctor turned around observing the burning landscape.

"What happened here?" There was concern in his voice now.

"Daleks." Clara spit out the words as if they tasted bad.

The Doctor straightened his bow tie and took out something from his inner pocket. It looked like a big pen with a green light in one end.

"My screwdriver. Now! Will you help me or not?"

"With what?"

"Saving the world, of course."

He said it in an almost playful tone and smiled with his whole face.

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