Chapter Three

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I realize I was already home after I finish the flashback. I sit on the kitchen counter and stare at the wall.

I decide to eat dinner out and look for a cheap place to eat. It's only Wednesday. Ugh. Im step inside a small fast food center. I eat very slowly and pay the bill.

As I walk outside it gets even colder. I walk under the light snow and start to shiver. Suddenly, a loud group of voices combined shoots my ear. A group of boys come my way. I keep my head down and I feel electricity as I walk by the first boy. I close my eyes and the next thing that happens occur. The boy in stripes pushes me to the wall and holds my hand up.

"Hey honey." He breathes into my neck.

I look straight into his eyes in terror before I realize who he was.

(Sorry if this chapter is short!)

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