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"I'll teach you the the basics." Andrew says. I nod as the others file into the Battle Room. "We'll start with aiming and how to shield yourself." Andrew jumps into the Battle Room, floating. He puts his hand out. I reach out and grab it. "Take the gun out. It's basically just a laser but if you get shot you get frozen for about two minutes." Andrew pulls his out and shoots one of the boys. The boy freezes. I laugh.

I pull out mine and point at Fray. I make eye contact and shoot. But I miss. "I didn't make it."

"It's fine. You're new so it'll take a while." Andrew helps me aim as Fray tries to scramble away. "Now... Shoot!" I pull the trigger and Fray freezes.

"Come on!" He yells.

"Thanks." Andrew nods. "And sorry that I'm inexperienced."

"It's fine. Go ahead to dinner." I make my way out, but as I walked down the hall, a group of girls stop me.

"So, you're the newbie." A girl with bright pink hair and a pointed chin says. Her face was twisted with disgust. "And you're in the Dragon Army. I've heard a lot about your Commander. A murderer is what they say." The other four girls nod, frowning.

"They're probably just rumors." I say. I hold my gaze with Pink Hair. "Don't believe everything you hear."

The girls laugh. "Ender Wiggin wiped out the whole world of buggers. A murderer. Killed them all. Almost killed two in this school." Pink Hair says.

I don't say anything. I just walk past them, letting their snide comments pass over me. I hold my breath until I'm safely in the barrack. I sit on my bed and wipe tears away as the boys file in. Fray notices me and smiles.

"You did good on your first day." Fray was all smiles. "You know.. If you're feeling up to it.. I was wondering.." Fray scratchs he's his neck. "I was wondering if you want to practice with me later."

"Sure." I tried to wipe the tears away but they kept coming.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Fray sits next to me, concern written on his face. "I know it's kinda hard getting used to Battle School, but it will come in handy when it's time to fight again."

"How long have you been here?" I ask.

"Two years." Fray smiles a sad smile. "I've learned a lot from Ender."

"Why do you guys call Andrew Ender?" I ask, suddenly interested.

"Everyone called him that before he was a Commander and the final battle. He's a hero." Fray leans back on my bed as Darrel walks up.

"Ender wants to see you, Elena. Just follow the pattern orange yellow orange." I nod and walk out.

Above me the pattern flashed and started moving down the hall. I followed it through who knows how many hallways in this school. Finally what seemed like forever, I spotted Andrew outside his door. When I get closer I notice he didn't smile like he did those other times.

"We need to talk." Andrew says. He puts a hand on the small of my back and guides me into his room. "You've made excellent progress for your first day."

"Thank you, sir." Andrew sits at his desk. I stand there awkwardly. "Andrew, sir-"

Andrew puts his hand up. "Call me Ender." I nod. Ender sighs. "Taking to the fact that you've never been in this situation, you'll have to move faster to catch up. There is free time and if you'd like you can practice. I'm willing to go private practices on Mondays and Fridays. Hopefully within a week you'll be caught up."

"I just wanted to say, sir, I have no idea how I ended up here. I had the monitor but I never did anything spectacular."

"According to what I've heard, you're very skilled but you won't admit it."

"Sir, I don't believe that."

"I want you to give me all you've got. You're dismissed." I was tempted to argue, but I didn't. I simply stood and walked out the door.

Gone (an Ender's Game Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now