15. Torture

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Lisa POV:

We have been locked up in this small building for 8 weeks now. The day Tzuyu was taken to the torture room, we never saw her again. Minji tried to tell us as much as she could about the type of torture methods they do. All of them ranging from nails, needles, whips, beating, and many more. A few days after Tzuyu was taken, the two men came back and took Miyoung. We listened to her scream for days but they didn't only take her that day, they also took Jimin. When they brought Miyoung back after her fourth day inside the torture room, she wouldn't say a word. She had bruises all over her body, cuts along her arms and neck, and red marks on her wrists.

"We have been in here so long, I have forgotten how the sun looks."- Janji muttered.

"I forgot how the sky looks"- Lisa added.

"We will get out of here guys don't worry"- Jennie reassured us but her smile faded right after.

I rolled my eyes. Get out of here my ass. These shackles are female proof!

"Well since we are already here, let's all say something we have done that we are sorry for, eh?"- Janji said while tapping on her shackles.

We all agreed and started.

"I'm sorry that I pulled a terrible prank on my older brother 4 years ago even though it was hilarious"- Janji said while nodding to me to go next.

"Jennie unnie, remember that time your iPod went missing and you were outraged because you couldn't find it?"- I asked.

Jennie nodded.

"Well actually I accidentally stepped on it and I panicked so I threw it into the neighbors backyard...I'm sorry"- I said while fiddling with my fingers.

"..... YOU DID WHAT?!"- Jennie yelled.

"Okay moving on, anyone else want to share?"- Janji asked but no one else made an effort to say anything.

We all went back to silence. It got a little colder in the room but it felt fine. Minji would speak up every once in a while and tell us about Mark and how he was a great big brother.

After a few more hours of endless silence, the door opened revealing Eunwoo holding several trays of food.

He handed each of us are small portion before looking at Miyoung who was laying against the wall. He slowly walked over to her and gave her a small smile while she just stared at him.

"I'm sorry about MJ betraying you and your friends, if I knew he was going to do that in order to help me and JinJin, then I wouldn't have let him leave with Rocky and MoonBin. Just know that JinJin and I are here if you need anything, okay Miyoungie?"- Eunwoo said as he stood up.

Miyoung just watched him, unable to say a word. He gave a sad smile before leaving. We just stared at the door where he disappeared.

"What the hell?"- Jennie said while still staring at the door.

"Should we take him up on that?"- Janji asked.

To be honest, Eunwoo was always my favorite out of all Miyoung's family friends. He was always sweet, same with JinJin. MJ and Miyoung never did get along they would constantly fight but Miyoung trusted him too. That is until now.

"Who do you think will be next?"- Janji asked.

"You shouldn't look forward to it"- Minji said while giving Janji a look who just glared back at the 8 year old.

"I don't know but stop talking about it. Let's sleep and worry about it later"- I said while getting comfortable against the wall.

We slept for only a few minutes before we were jolted awake by the door slamming open.

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