Why I Wrote This

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As a person who has social anxiety I hear a lot of "come on it's not that hard." "It's just a presentation." And all of that kind of stuff.

But when you have social anxiety, it's more than just going up and saying words to a bunch of people. It's hard. It's emotionally draining. I've cried so many times in class and that's not fun.

It's physically draining too because when you worry that much the night before you have to do something, it's hard to sleep.

So I just wanted people who don't have this disorder to know what it's like in the mind of someone (not all people experience the same. I shared how my experiences are.) who has social anxiety. (Also note that some people have it worse than others.)

And trust me, it does get better if you have the will to get better. I know from personal experience.

And I hope you can be the you that you want to be. I believe in you.

If you ever need to talk I'm here!

Love you <3 xoxo

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