Chapter One: Hi Greyson

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Chapter One: Hi Greyson


"This is stupid." I growled looking at the new uniform we were supposed to wear. Apparently, our academy needed a new look and by doing that they enforced uniforms. A tacky black skirt, white button up and grey pull over. I looked at the black socks distastefully and instead grabbed a pair of ankle socks and shoved on my converse.

I made sure to grab my writing journal and pens and shoved them into my bag before making my way out the door.

I hated school. There were too many people. I usually kept to myself and my brothers but when someone was talking shit then your girl had to do something about it. I just wanted to live in peace with no one around me.

I walked downstairs and I met my brothers who were wearing uniforms as well. Connor was my twin brother and I had three younger brothers who were triplets: Tennant, Kayce and William.

"I hate this equipment sometimes." My mom groaned. She had laid our lacrosse bags by the door. Her teal hair was in a bun and she wore a long sleeve cashmere sweater with a pair of leggings. Mom was an odd one. Uncle Sam and my other uncles often told stories of how much trouble mom used to get in. Dad said I was like her in a lot of ways, except he says I am more angry.

Maybe I'm more angry because people keep commenting that I am always angry. Ever thought about that?

Anyways, my parents pushed me into lacrosse because I had to find a way to release all my pent up 'anger' and by doing this I could hit stupid and arrogant teenage boys all I want.

"Grey?" Connor snapped, knocking me out of my thoughts. I could get mad at Tennant, Kayce, and William but I could never get mad at Connor.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"You ready to go?" He asked and I nodded as we went out to the car. I shoved my bag into the trunk and got into the passenger seat. I listened to my brothers meaningless conversations while I stared out the window at the blue sky.

"You nervous, Grey? First day of grade twelve." Kayce said while rubbing my shoulders from the back seat.

"Greyson doesn't get nervous over anything. I don't know how she does it." Will scoffed.

"I don't stress like other simple minds." I grinned as we pulled into the parking lot. I grabbed my lacrosse bag and I watched as the boys walked off with their friends. I reached into my pocket and put my headphones in and walked inside.

The halls were filled with students, each grade having their own designated colour for pull over. It felt like Degrassi at some points. I looked at my schedule and went to my locker and began placing my binders inside. I took my head phones out to put them away when I heard a snickering beside me.

"Just because your name is Greyson doesn't mean your hair has to be that colour." Sarah Cowell said with her friends laughing behind her. I gave her an annoyed look and turned back to my locker. It's the first day, Grey.

"Just because your last name is Cowell doesn't mean you have to be a cow." I said back and her eyes narrowed.

"Greyson, why so angry in the morning, sweetheart?" An annoying voice asked.

"Hey Jackson." Sarah smiled. I looked over at the six foot plus giant who looked over me. Jackson McKinnon. He opened the locker next to mine and I pressed my forehead against my locker door. Why did Jackson McKinnon have to be next to me? What did I ever do?

"Sarah, baby. It's Jack, come on." He smirked looking at her.

"Good morning Greyson." Jackson said bending down next to me.

"Good morning...Jackson." I said lowly while grabbing my books. His friends chuckled behind him and I sighed while making my way to first period.

I sat in the back of all of my classes and did the simple worksheets they handed out. I always listened to music in class. I freaked out in grade nine and flipped a desk when a teacher took my phone. After they realized I was the smartest person here, they left me alone.

"Hi Grey." Someone said, their voice broke through my music and I took out an earphone to look at Jackson. He now had on his varsity football jacket. The McKinnon boys stayed on the varsity football team while the Blackwood's stayed on varsity lacrosse.

"Jackson, how can I help you?" I asked while not meeting his gaze.

"Can I sit here from now on? You're clearly the smartest girl here." He said drawing his lip between his teeth. I stared at him blankly and shook my head.

"I don't sit next to people." I answered.

"I can be your first!" He gasped and for some reason my cheeks got hot. I slammed my pencil down and sighed.

"Jackson, I cannot stand having conversations with people in this school. You being one of them."

"Come on Grey. It hurts me that you're the only person here who calls me by my full name." He said.

"And it hurts me that you think you can call me Grey. You aren't family. It's Greyson and you're Jackson. Nicknames means closeness and comfort with someone. We are not close and I don't feel comfortable around you. I look at your face and get the desire to knock you out." I said simply and he stared at me with wide eyes and with his jaw down.

I said nothing and grabbed my books and made my way out of the classroom as the bell rang. I don't get why people try to talk to me. No I'm not Psychotic to the point I want to kill people. I just don't want to socialize with other people.

I want to be on my own and socialize with people I'm comfortable with. Not with cocky assholes like Jackson McKinnon.

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