Chapter Twenty-Seven: Werewolf Juvie?

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Werewolf Juvie?


" head." I muttered while rubbing my head.

"Greyson, what did you do?" My mom sighed. I frowned and looked over at my dad who stood with his arms crossed.

"I don't know." I shrugged and she sighed.

"Greyson, Sarah Cowell had to be given treatment for her injuries, her family wants to press charges for assault." Mom sighed and I blinked while looking around and I looked down seeing the zip ties that were around my wrists, I was literally chained to the fucking table.

"Assault!? The bitch admitted to me before she passed out that she was the one behind the Gelocyin. That stuff could have killed me!" I growled while clenching my fists and my dad and mom met each others eyes and then my dad looked to me.

"Did anyone else hear it?" Dad asked.

"Ten, Kayce, Liam, Luke, Jackson, and some members of his pack."

"That should help a bit, go tell the principal." Mom ordered while pushing dad out the door and she turned, cutting the zip ties from my wrists and I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"How's Connor and Hawk?" I asked while looking at her and she sat down across from me on the chair.

"Almost done healing. They did some damage to Hawk's hand but he will be fine. They might be out until tomorrow." She whispered and I nodded and looked to her.


"Still out cold and she is on morphine and some other stuff to help with the pain and healing process. They said with a few more blows you could have killed her."

"How?" I chuckled.

"Greyson, look at your hands." Mom whispered. I flipped my hands to see the light pink scars across my knuckles and I remembered the pain I felt in them.

"Why didn't it heal?" I demanded while running my finger tips over the puffy scars and I looked at my moms face as she stared at them.

"I don't know." Mom answered softly.

"Let's go speak to your principal." She said helping me off the table. I went into the office and slumped down across the table in one of the chairs and principal Lewis looked at me with his hands clasped.

"Greyson Blackwood, can we are in big trouble young lady."

"Did we not just speak a moment ago?" My dad asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Ah yes...Alpha Blackwood, however, due to Greyson's record-"

"And your record? Allowing Carlisle here? What Ms. Cowell and her pack did?" Principal Lewis sighed and backed down as my father leaned forward. My dad was scary to some people, not to me of course, or to my mother, but to others, he was terrifying.

"Of course...there is this correctional facility that we send our female rogue werewolves too. Due to recent information..." He said glancing at my father.

"You will only have to attend the facility on the weekends for the remainder of the school year."

"How the fuck does that work?" I asked.

"Language Ms. Blackwood." He scolded and I ignored him while wanting him to continue on with what he was saying.

"Friday afternoon, a officer from the correctional facility will pick you up and will drop you off at school Monday morning."

"Are you on fucking drugs!?" I yelled.

"Grey." Mom said trying not to laugh.

"Ms. Blackwood it is better than the whole week!" Principal Lewis yelled back and I didn't even flinch at his tone of voice. It seemed that I am the only one being punished in these scenarios and I'm not sure how people got away with it.

"So, my life is school and jail!? I hate the people here! I need a break before I go insane!" I yelled.

"If you do, the correctional facility will sedate you. That is if you become aggressive or extremely paranoid." He explained.

"And you can't do something about this?" I asked both my parents and my mom placed her hand on my fathers shoulder and then on my arm.

"Greyson, we tried. This is the lowest time we could do." Mom said.

"This is stupid. A bunch of rogues? I will still be alpha in there." I assured while crossing my arms over my chest and slouching back in my chair.

"Greyson, we are hoping this will make you understand that you cannot be this violent anymore." The principal began.

"Do you not know what she fucking did?" I asked lowly feeling myself get angry.


"She beat Hawk and Connor up because they are gay. She looked me in the eye and called my twin brother a faggot. My twin brother. Just because he didn't want to sleep with her anymore." I said standing up and Lewis looked at me.

"Ms. Blackwood-" he began but I shook my head and opened the door and stormed outside.

"Greyson!" Mom called. We walked out into the parking lot and I felt my blood begin to boil.


"Greyson!" I called after her. I ran out into the parking lot with Johnny as she stood next to Hawk's car. She gripped the roots of her hair as Johnny and I watched.

"Grey, relax." Johnny ordered.

"Fuck!" She yelled turning and landing a punch onto Hawk's car, the indent was in the shape of her hand and the scars reopened on his knuckles as she shook it out and in a few seconds, the scars healed over.

"Greyson, don't let this stress you out so much. Connor is fine." I said trying to calm her down. In all reality, I was going to kill this Cowell girls' parents for hurting my baby. No way in hell were they going to get away with it.

"How can people be so insensitive?" She asked quietly.

"Because this is how life is, Grey. People used to make fun of your uncle Sam, I kicked their asses but I didn't almost kill them." I explained.

"When she said that I just got so angry." She growled while smacking the top of the car.

"I know Grey." I said rubbing her upper shoulders.

"This is not going unpunished. Sarah Cowell's parents will not get by. I'm paying them a fucking visit."

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