There Is Nothing That Can't Heal

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Laurance's POV
I don't want to have him follow me but I knew he would. He's going to stop me from making the potion isn't he? I think. I shake my head and turn around to see Garroth walking behind me a few feet away. I run up the back stairs and I open up the packets. I grab a small bowl and crush the almonds and the mint leaves. After mushing it all to a certain liquid, I add the milk and the fruit juice and I stir it back again. I pour it into a glass and I take a deep breath. Just don't think about it and drink up. Soon you'll be free to love Garroth all you want... I sip the drink and I almost puke. It tasted like an old mattress. I knew that if I didn't finish it, it wouldn't work. So I took a longer sip and I felt my stomach acid rise in my throat. I run to the bathroom and puke. Great. If this is going to work I'll be puking for hours. It's worth it though... right? 

*3 hours later* Finally I finished the horrid drink after many trips to the bathroom. Finally I can be worry free about the medical condition I'm in. But, what if Garroth found out what I was doing?  What if he thinks I'm not a moral human being for what I've done? Oh shoot. I start to panic. I quickly rush out the door into the sprinkling rain and I finally see Garroth who was blocking my exit. Here it comes. I thought. I took a deep breath as Garroth started to bellow his voice. 

"Laurance, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me about your condition? I could've helped you if you'd've told me! Laurance please, I just want the old Laurance I knew. The one I knew wouldn't make rash actions. The Laurance i...." he paused. I bit my lip. He finally said it. 

"The Laurance I.... I love..." He confesses. I start to feel my face turn bright red. I hide my face with my long brown hair as I feel my own tears fall. I feel Garroth's touch on my chin and he flinched when one of my tear drops fell on his hand. He moved the hair from my eyes and I looked at him with fear and regret. I look into his light baby blue eyes and I almost started sobbing hysterically. His eyes weren't full of lies like many people I knew who wouldn't care. His eyes were full of love and full of kindness. his tears started to fall. 

"Laurance, Please... we can make it through together! Please don't make any decisions you'll regret... I don't want to see you hurt." He said as he smiled through his tears. "You're my everything in this world Laurance, And I'm willing to give you up to that other man you were talking about with Aphmau if he truly makes you happy then I'll be happy. Just please don't shut me out and run away from me. It breaks my heart. All I want is my bro back. Please?" I could tell he felt just as broken as I did. I finally just let my sobs run loose and I fall into Garroth's arms and cry into his shoulder. 

"G-Garroth... *sob* I just *Sob* wanted to keep you *sob* worry free...*sob*I didn't *sob* want you to *sob* deal with my *Sob* pain..." I say in between sobs. Garroth's soothing voice shushed my racing mind. 

"Laurance, You'll be alright... I love you..." He says as his voice turns with kindness. I smile through my tears and I whisper into his ear

"Garroth, That guy was you..." 

 Garroth's POV 

The guy he loves... is me? Why hasn't he told me before? 

"Laurance, I... I don't know what to say..." Then he starts to sob again. 

"I knew You'd reject me! Even though you love me back you reject me! Everyone does! Why should it be any different with you?" He shouts. He tries to run back into the house but I grab his arm. The rain starts to pour harder. 

"Laurance! Stop this! I love you and I don't reject you! Why would I?" I shout through the thunder. He looks back at me with a look of anger in his eyes. 

"Maybe because a man shouldn't be able to bear a child." he said as he tried to rip his hand out of my grip but I hold firm. 

"Laurance your beautiful the way you are. No one is normal. Not even me and my obsession with feathers." He giggles. I smile at him. 

"You're lying." he says. "You're just trying to get me to come back around! I finally have the ability to be around you without being paranoid that I'll get pregnant!" he says before gasping. He finally was successful in ripping his hand from my grasp and run down the stairs. I chase after him to his room to where the door is locked and all you hear on the other side is curses. I kick down the door and I run in. 

"Laurance! I told you not to make any rash decisions! And here we are stuck in this situation because you kept running away from your problems!" He starts to tear up again and he just tries to shove me out of the way but I grab his shoulders and bring him back. 

"NO! That doesn't mean you run away now! You tell me what's wrong now or we'll be stuck in here for a while!" I shout. He whimpers and just runs himself to the corner and sits down. 

"All I wanted was to be normal... Is that too hard to ask? Just to be as normal as a regular guy. A guy who CAN'T get pregnant! Now please... I want to be alone. This wall seems like a much better shoulder to cry on." He says. I don't move. 

"Laurance, please listen to me, No matter the choices you make or the person you turn into by one event or more, I'll always feel the same way. I'll love you till the sun dies, I'll love you to the ends of the earth if you just let me. Please..." I say, finally giving up and the tears soaking my tied flannel. He gets up as he heard my own sobs. "I just want you... no one else." I say before he turns around and I see his puffy eyes and he says as he shakes his head. 

"Me too..." As he runs to me and hugs me tight.  

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