Chapter four

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Later that evening, Alorez sat underneath a towering oak tree, tossing small rocks , thinking about Malinda. A faint smile form upon his lips remembering the sound of Malinda's heart when he had spoken to her. He could tell that by the rhythm of her heart she was unwillingly falling for him. He had seen that she didn't want to succumb to the feeling because he was a white man and also her overseer. He sighs gently, resting his head against the trunk of the tree and closed his eyes.

"How do I tell her what she is and that I'm her soul mate?" Alorez asked himself sighing again. He heard the bushes rustle and Malinda appeared before him like a magic spell was casted. She smiled and he stood up quickly.

"Well it depends on what it is she is and if she is open minded." She said walking closer to his side, she leaned against the oak tree.

He turned and faced her, he looked into her eyes "How do you think I should get her alone?"

"Just like we are now, bring her here," she touch the tree and looked up at the half moon, " this place is so romantic. I've imagined having my first kiss under this tree." she laugh mercilessly at herself.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked her, disbelief colored his eyes

"Who am I kidding? The only real kiss I'm eva gone get Mr. " She paused forgetting his last name for a second.

"Call me Al" he answered.

"Mr. Al is the kiss the last overseer forced out of me when I was 16 and the only happy ending Imma get is if the father of the baby I'm cursed to have one day isn't a white male, no offense, or sold to a different plantation."

"Why do you believe that your child would be a curse?" he asked stepping closer.

"Because I won't have a choice if it happens or doesn't happen and with my luck it'll be with a white man and my child will be just 25 percent black and people will notice so my baby will be taken up north or killed." Malinda looked at the grass. Alorez closed the space between them and lifted her head up so she looked into his eyes.

"Do you think you were a curse to your mother then?" he asked her and her eyes widened. "Malinda you're not a curse. Mr. Talon loves you just like he loves the rest of your siblings."

Malinda gasped and tried to back away only hitting her head against the tree and winced feeling the rough wood against her back. Alorez sighed grabbed her and bites her.

"You will forget the last thing I told you and the next 5 minutes." He turned her around her back facing him and undressed her quickly. His hands gently caressed her wounds, they seemed to be healing quickly but because she had never killed before she didn't heal as she should, the way of a wolf. Sighing he placed gentle kisses upon her back watching as the wounds healed and quickly pulled her dress back up. She slowly turned back to him her eyes still glazed, Alorez stood closer to her the temptation to kiss her growing so strong. As he struggled within himself Malinda snapped out of her daze.

"Oh! Sir I apologize I should be in bed . I'm awfully sorry." She stepped around him and sped off. Alorez being caught off guard stood still for a few seconds staring, before he reacted and called back her name but she didn't stop.

"God!" he growled and sat back down beneath the tree. He closed his eyes and fell into a uneasy slumber. His dream was not his own but that of Malinda's. In her dream:

Malinda is 4 years old standing with her fully black siblings. She is crying and hugging her brother's leg as if it would stop the unfortunate events that was playing before her.

"MAMA!! PAPA!!" Malinda sobs, her brother picks her up and holds her close.

"For the crime of attempting to run away Jeremy and Flora , for the third time and killing a American man in the process. you both are sentenced to death. Any last words Flora? " The executor asks.

"Yes Sir. baby girl stop crying and be strong don't let nothing ever get in your way. remember you have never been an ordinary baby girl you are more than this. More than me. your brother will guide and protect you as much as they can. May God be with us all." Those were the last words before her parents were hanged.


Malinda wakes up breathing heavily and her face wet with tears. She shakes her head, and whispers "Mama what did you mean?"

Malinda's mom never learned to read and write so it was difficult for her to imagine her mom leaving her a note. Turning she saw that the small cabin was empty and the door closed. Gasping she hurriedly got dressed grabbed her basket and ran out the door. She stopped when she reached the far end where Laura was.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"We was told not to wake you... He said that you had a difficult night " Laura said with her eyes trained on the cotton as she picked them and tossed it in her basket.

"I guess but still Laura it's so late I must have slept right through the morning." Malinda complained.

"Well you seem forget that we are slaves." Laura snapped at Malinda. Malinda took a step back.

"Why are you snappin at me like I done you dirty?" Malinda asked, her basket held in front of her as sad green eyes looked down at Laura.

"Because ever since that unfortunate day that your mama died I have had to stick up for you when your own brothers don't put they neck out as far as I have for you." Laura said still picking the cotton. "I've been raped more then I know how to count because I've stuck up for you!  And now that we have a nice overseer you are relaxin' and what not without a single thought of me."

"Laura... You know I ain't askin' for this treatment." Malinda defended 

"Just stop talkin to me cuz I see now that you just filled with lies. You think I ain't see him kissin down your back last night?" Laura stood as she hissed at Malinda, " Now see here I ain't your friend, no longer you here? Don't ask me for nothing and as far as I know you and your 'Holy holy I'm a virgin' act can go straight to hell where your mama is."

Malinda gasped and without thinking found her right hand slapping Laura across the face. 

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Alorez asked running over to the two ladies.

Spitting a bit of blood out Laura rolled her eyes and picked up her basket."Why don't you ask your Whore."


Laura gasped at the voice that called to her. She slowly turned to face her Master.

"Yes Mr. Talon." she gave a short curtsy.

"I will NOT have you disrespecting my Overseer in front of the other slave you hear? Go Get ready, tomorrow Malinda and Alorez will accompany you and you will be sold to the tobacco Plantation. I believe I have done all i can for you. Maybe Fred Gretter will be a better master for you."

"But Master. He has killed over 15 female slave during intercourse." Laura's voice shook with fear and tears swelled up in her eyes.

"Then you best pray he don't find you attractive." Mr. Talon spoke grabbed Malinda and stormed of into the house with her.

In tears Laura heads inside to pack the little she has and sits to just cry.

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