02- "Boys Will Be Boys"

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The one thing that stood out to me the most that night was how bright the stars shined. While my vision grew blurry by the tears beading up in my eyes, the stars shined so brightly. I can remember staring at them while I heard his grunts and felt his warm, heavy breathing on the back of my neck. In that moment, it seemed like time slowed down and by the time I went to the hospital, it got back into the swing of things.

During the rare moments that I fall asleep, I can still see the stars. But if I drift off deeper into slumber, the sounds of his moans and the feeling of his lips dancing down my neck return to haunt me. Instantly, my eyes will open and start tearing up.

"I hate him." I murmur to myself as I watch the clouds float by outside the hospital window.
"I know you do, my little moon." My mother replies, holding my hand while as she mutters something under her breath. "The police will catch that boy."

I let my mind wander off; eyes fixated on the clouds in the sky while I hum along to a nursery rhythm my mother used to sing.

"What was that nursery rhythm you used to sing to Titan and I?" I inquire, thinking aloud and catching her off guard.
"That silly old song?" She asks, receiving a nod and a fake smile for a response. "I haven't sang it in years, Pandora."
"Please, mommy." I say, holding her hand tightly.
"Alright then, sweetie." Mom replied, smiling softly before clearing her throat. "My two little moons, orbiting around me as if I'm Venus. My two little moons, soon you'll grow up and stare up at the stars. You'll wonder where the moons of Venus are and I'll poke your noses-" she leaned in, poking my nose and I smile. "There are my two little moons."

My mom had studied Venus and the many moons in college. One faithful day during her astronomy class is when my mother bumped into my father. "It was love at first sight," my mom always responded when I questioned her everyday when she drove Titan and I to school. Together they had worked on a project on the planet and its moons. The two fell in love with the names of two of Venus's moons- Pandora and Titan. One thing led to another and sixteen years ago, my parents raised twins- a girl and a boy.

"Thank you, Venus." I say, calling her by her nickname.
"You're welcome, moon." My mom replies with a smile; she glanced down at my untouched breakfast. "Aren't you going to eat your toast and eggs?"
"I don't want to eat," I comment and offer her the fork. "You've been here since eight in the morning; so go ahead and eat it."

Of course, my mother and I argued for a short while before she finally caved in and bit into the toast. After a couple minutes, the breakfast was devoured and my mother excused herself to grab a cup of coffee. I watch as she leaves the room, her navy blue petticoat hanging off of her thin body. After my mother turns the corner, I snatch my phone from the bedside table and turn it on. Instantly, text messages from family and friends pop up; lighting up the once empty home screen.

Aunt Debbie: Heard what happened, stay strong Pandora!! Hugs and kisses from California.
Gabbie: OMG are you ok?!!
Orion: Things will get better, stay strong moon babe xoxo
Catherine: Boys will be boys, get over it and come and party
Titan (4 iMessages and 1 missed call) : What happened?
No one is telling me anything and it's freaking me out
Are you ok?
Sis plz answer

I wipe away the tears beading up in my eyes and dial Titan's phone number. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Pandora! Sis, are you ok?!" Titan questions, his worried voice causing my hands to shake.
"I'm o-ok, Titan." I stutter out, holding in my tears.
"I know it isn't..." His voice trails off, sighing at the end.

Minutes pass by and I finally muster up the courage to tell him. "I was raped... on Friday." I answer, crying out into the phone. He hangs up. My own twin brother, hangs up the phone. Mom appears in the doorway, holding two cups of coffee in her hands. I slip my phone underneath the layers of blankets covering my body.

She sets the two cups down on the nightstand, picking one up and bringing it up to her lips. Hours pass by which are spent with my mother and I talking about anything besides the rape. Eventually, when the clock strikes three o'clock, my mother gathers her belongings and leaves the hospital room; kissing my forehead before waving goodbye.

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