v. minshua

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"Joshi." Mingyu whispered in Joshua's ears, using the nickname that Joshua claims to hate. "Joshiiii, wake up."

Joshua stirred in his sleep, but he didn't wake up. Mingyu pouted and sighed loudly. They were lying next to each other on their bed. Joshua was asleep and had his back to Mingyu. 

He grabbed Joshua's shoulders and shook them. "Wake up, I'm bored." He stopped and poked his back instead. 

Joshua smiled, awake but not quite as he heard the whines of his boyfriend. He turned around and wrapped his arms around him. "Five more minutes. Or twenty."

"But I'm bored--" His stomach rumbled. "--And hungry. Wake up and help me make breakfast."

Mingyu stared at Joshua, who still had his eyes closed. He was so close and so handsome and his lips, that were curled into a smile, were irresistable. He gave them a peck. "Please?"

"I don't want to get up yet." He whined, opening his eyes. "Cuddle."

Mingyu smiled as he thought of how cute Joshua was being. He wrapped his arms around Joshua, too, and entangled their feet. He planted another kiss on Joshua's lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Now shut up." Joshua said, closing his eyes again. 

Mingyu stared at Joshua as he slept -he couldn't help it. He stared at his eyelashes, his thin lips curled into a smile, his cute little nose. Mingyu thought he looked gentle and peaceful and had an aura of an angel as he slept. 

Mingyu really had to pee, but since Joshua was sleeping and he didn't want to wake him up, he didn't move. He tried to sleep again and savor this time with Joshua, just cuddling and not worrying about anything. 


"Josh, I really need to pee." Mingyu said, removing Joshua's arms from his body gently and placing it on the space next to him. Joshua woke up, opening his eyes to find Mingyu standing up abruptly and running to the bathroom. 

He stood up, too. He found one of Mingyu's shirts on the floor and threw it on even though it was a little too big. He loved oversized shirts anyway, and it smelled like Mingyu, which was always a nice bonus. 

Mingyu appeared from the bathroom, smiling as he saw what Joshua was wearing. "I love it when you wear my shirts."

"I love wearing your shirts." Joshua said as he approached Mingyu. He turned him around and jumped on his back. "Carry me downstairs, peasant."

Mingyu rolled his eyes, but a smile formed on his lips.

"Sure thing, master!" He exclaimed. He ran down out of their room and down the stairs, Joshua laughing as he bounced on Mingyu's back.

Once they reached the kitchen, Mingyu was panting like a puppy.

"Okay now let me down." Joshua ordered. Mingyu let go of his grip on Joshua's thighs, making Joshua fall on the ground.

"Ow!" Joshua said, rubbing his butt. "I said put me down, not drop me."

"Sorry! I wasn't thinking." Mingyu said, crouching down. Joshua made rubbing his butt look cute, and Mingyu couldn't help but smile even though he had just dropped him.  "I'll make it up to you by making breakfast."

"You're so clumsy. You're lucky you make tasty pancakes." Joshua stood up to sit on the counter. He loved watching Mingyu cook, it just made Mingyu look a hundred times more appealing. He watched as Mingyu gathered the ingredients, happy to learn that he was making his favorite -chocolate pancakes.

"So did you date me because I make you chocolate pancakes?" Mingyu asked as he made poured out the pancake mix to make the batter. Today he was cheating, using pancake mix instead of making his own batter that Joshua loved. But it was chocolate anyway, so he hoped Joshua didn't mind.

"Maybe." Joshua laughed. He pinched Mingyu's cheeks. "Kidding. But they're definitely not the reason I stayed."

"Aww. Look at you being sweet at 8 in the morning." Mingyu commented, looking at his boyfriend lovingly.

"8 in the morning!?" Joshua asked, jumping off the counter. He crossed his arms and stared at his lover. "I told you I didn't like waking up before 10."

"I love you." Mingyu said, trying to dodge the question.

"I love you too, but I need my sleep."

"I love you even though you have bags under your eyes."

"I love you too-- why are you changing the subject?"

"I love you." Then he kissed Joshua, and that was all that Joshua needed to shut up.

author's note: not my best and i found it really cheesy, but i hope you liked it! dedicated to those who requested for minshua, @love_joshua and @fangirleus ! thanks for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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