cold fingers, warm hearts

55 3 0

Phil fiddled with the sleeves of his coat as he waited, the cool autumn breeze sweeping through his fringe.

"he's not coming" 

"you're being stood up again and this time it will be by a completely different person"

"you should've learned from the last boy"

He shook the negative thoughts out of his head and a flat sigh slipped from his lips 

"Uh excuse me sir?" a soft voice asks from behind him, Phil whips around and smiles as his eyes are greeted with a young girl in uniform 

"Are you ready to enter? the ticket booth is around the side" she directs 

Phil chuckles, a soft smile spreading across his face

"Oh I know, I'm just waiting on someone" 

The girls face falls into a sympathetic smile, she had probably witnessed Phil awkwardly pacing around for the last 10 minutes 

"Aw that's all good, just double checking you weren't confused" 

and with that, the girl walks off, leaving Phil once again in the muffled sounds of the music playing from inside the ice skating rink 

He walked to the curb, looking in both directions 

no sign of him anywhere

He sighed, why did this always seem to happen to him

Disappointed, Phil fell to the side of the curb. He sat knees to chest, head in hands, fighting back the ache in his throat 

A loud call of his name echoed in his ears, his head instantly whipping up as small bubbles of hope began to grow inside of him 

The boy he had be waiting for suddenly comes bounding towards him, apology etched onto his face 

"P-Phil" The boy sputtered, stopping in front of Phil

The boy bends over, chest heaving while short and airy pants come from his lips 

Phil even began to notice that the sweat beading on the boy's forehead was beginning to curl his straightened hair 

"I'm so sor-ry" He stuttered regaining his breath

He straightens up, now standing completely straight as he looked down to Phil

"I went to buy you flowers and then the bus I was meant to catch came too early and then the next bus I caught broke down and then the bus after that got stuck in traffic so I had to run half an hour and then I got lost" He began to quickly explain, his face filling with dread

Phil rises to his feet and cuts him off with a chuckle 

"It's okay Dan!" He laughs placing a hand on the other boy's shoulder

"To know you put in all this effort just for me, especially the fact that you ran more than half an hour just so you wouldn't be late makes up for everything" Phil smiled 

Dan's face just filled with a blush, the tip of his nose, cheeks, and ears turning a deep red

"Wait you said flowers? what happened to those?" Phil laughs furrowing his eyebrows together 

Dan lifts a single crushed rose from behind his back, a small chuckle leaving his lips 

"I bought you a whole bouquet but as I was running I tripped and dropped them and some kids  came past and swopped them from me" Dan admits, hiding his face in a singular hand, embarrassment written on every feature 

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