Chapter Nine

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First off guys, thanks so much for 1k reads! This is so awesome! Enjoy this chap! xx

Jade's POV:

Niall and I have been going strong for a couple weeks, and yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend. 

Of course I said yes, and now my best friend was my first love. 

Yes, I am now developing feelings for Niall, but my feelings for Perrie haven't gotten any weaker.

Niall has been the perfect boyfriend. Last night, he showed up at my house with flowers, and five pairs of brand new jeans, and with shirts to go with them. He said it was for our two week anniversary, and I was so happy. I felt like a bad girlfriend when I realized I had only written him a hand-made card, but he said it was the thought that counts.

Today I was walking into school, and the populars were waiting by my locker. When they realized that I wasn't wearing my usual crappy overalls, they just stared at me. 

"Please move, I need to get into my locker," I said, pushing them aside, and opening my locker. 

They were to surprised to do anything but catch flies with their mouths. 

Why was I acting like this? I didn't know myself at that moment. I just felt a sudden surge of confidence, and that stopped when my books once again got slapped out of my hand.  

"You think you can boss us around, Thirlwall?" Jesy sneered in my face. 

"N-no, I'm sorry," I mumbled. 

"You know what?" Jesy asked, smiling evilly. "I'm gonna let you off easy this time." 

She punched me in the jaw. I fell on my knees, a metallic tang filling my mouth. I was bleeding again.

"That's now what happens when you're not on my bad side," Jesy laughed as she walked away with the rest of the populars. 

I picked up my books, and walked to the bathroom. I stood at the sink, and washed my mouth with water. I saw that my jaw was already bruising nicely. Wonderful.

I walked out of the bathroom, trying hard not to cry. I kept my head down, and suddenly, bumped into someone. 

"Sorry-Jadey?" Niall asked, lifting my head up my my chin. He gasped when he saw my bruise. "Jesy?" He said gently. 

I nodded, then started to cry.

Niall just stood there and held me, while I sobbed into his shirt. 

"Ssh, it's okay love, I'm here now." Niall rubbed my back, and continued to whisper soothing words into my ear. When I had calmed down, I gulped, and slowly lifted my head. 

"Thanks Ni," I whispered. I softly kissed him, smiling lightly. I then grabbed my books off the ground, and took Niall's hand. I we walked down the hall in comfortable silence, hand in hand. looked over at Niall, and he was grinning like a child on Christmas. 

"Why're you smiling like that?" I asked. 

"You kissed me," Niall said simply. 

"It was a thanks for always being there for me," I smiled at him, and kissed his cheek. 

Niall blushed. 

"You still blush," I giggled. 

"Yeah, well...sorry," Niall grinned sheepishly.

"Don't apologize, it's adorable," I said, and turned to face front again. 

I let go of his hand to open the door. I walked into class, surprised to find that we were near the first ones in class. I walked to my usual seat in the back. 

I sat down, and Niall said to me, "I just realized you're wearing an outfit I bought you." 

I laughed. "Really Ni? You just realized?"

"Yeah, and it looks amazing on you," Niall shrugged, but there was a glint in his eye. I turned away, cheeks flaring. As kids started to file in, I saw a familiar face in the sea of people.


Perrie's POV:

"Wake up Perrie," I slowly rubbed my eyes, and sat up. My father was standing over me. 

"Dad?" I asked. He rarely had time to see me, let alone wake me up. 

"Yes Perrie, it's me. Now get up before you're late to school," my father said in a buisness-like tone.

I must have looked sad at his tone, because my father suddenly laughed. "Cheer up Perbear, you're home from the hospital, and the sun is shining." 

I stared at my father. Pearbear? That was what he used to call me, before mom died. 

"Dad, you've changed, and your clothes!" I exclaimed. 

For the first time since mom was alive, my dad wore jeans and a regular tee-shirt. Also, he wore his old smile. 

"I think it's time for a lot of things to change," my father said.

"Goodbye Per, have a good day at school!" My father called from the kitchen. 

"Alright, bye!" I yelled back. I closed the door, and grinned.

I was literally walking on air. I couldn't believe my father right now, it was almost to good to believe!

I couldn't wait to see Jade, Niall, and Louis again. Jade. Oh god, today was the day I confessed my feelings to her, and hoped she felt the same way about me. I hopped in my car, and drove off to school. 

I parked in the school parking lot, and spotted Louis, standing alone. 

"Louis!" I called as I ran over to him. 

"Perrie?" Louis spun around, grinning once he spotted me.

"Perrie! Great to see you healthy again!" Louis exclaimed. 

"Yeah, well I still have this." I gestured to my wrist cast.

"Well, that's better then you laying in a hospital bed!" Louis hugged me, and I smiled, returning the hug.

"Louis, do you know where Niall and Jade are?" I asked. 

"Probably in class, trying to avoid Jesy and her group," Louis shrugged. 

"Thanks, Lou. Bye!" I waved, and ran to my locker. 

I grabbed my stuff, and headed off to class just as the bell rang. 

Well? How do like that? How do you think Perrie will react to Jade and Niall's relationship? That was chapter nine!      

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