Secrets - part4 (as requested and intended)

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Worthless. bad guy. heartless. nightmare. worthless. bad guy. heartless. nightmare. worthless. bad guy. HEARTLESS. NIGHTMARE. WORTHLESS. BAD GUY - 


"Alex" He looked up still choking on tears as his Lo Lo dropped down in front of him "Alex look at me. Breathe. Slowly breathe with me ok? in, hold, out"

"I can't do it anymore"

"Can't do what?"

"I don't want to be the villain" Logic softened

"Alex look at me. you're never the villain.  you never could be." Anxiety cried onto Logic's shoulder as he soothed "You're my little hero Al" Anxiety laughed while hitting his arm playfully

"Dad! I'm not little" A stunned voice spoke from the doorway as Morality tried not to drop the books he was holding. Logic panicked

"Rally let me explain..." Morality didn't hear him

"Dad?" Anxiety cut in

"I'm the embodiment of overthinking, or an over use of..." Morality breathed

"Logic" Logic went over to him

"Rally i'm so sorry he doesn't trust anyone but me i didn't want to scare him I should have told you i'm so-"

"Logan!" Logic blinked at the sharp interruption

"Yes?" Morality pulled him in for a kiss

"This just makes you even more of an angel than before." Prince rushed in 

"I've found a treatment!" Anxiety leapt up and hugged him

"You hero! i mean good job Princey" Logic and Morality only replied with a celebration kiss. Prince took a photo

"Thomas's fanders will love this!" Logic broke off to whisper

"Thank you Rally, you never gave up" Morality smiled

"Never will"

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