When I held you part1 - When we met

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Patton tossed and caught the snitch lazily, letting it fly higher each time before catching it. He yawned lazily until it got too far from him

"Oh mother -" Some first years walked past so he corrected himself "Father"

"Brother" What the...? He looked around as the voice added "I like word association games. Hang on. Accio snitch" The snitch zoomed over Patton's head into the branch above him where he heard "Immobulus" Then a hand passed the now paralysed snitch down to him.

"Thanks, err..."

"Up here. and i'm Logan" Craning his neck up Patton saw two chocolate eyes blinking down at him before Logan muttered a quick apology while dropping down and holding his shoulders for balance. Adjusting his glasses he extended a hand "Salutations..."

"Patton" They shook hands "What were you doing up there?" Logan collected a pile of books from the hollow to answer 

"Studying. I'm afraid i'm kind of a stereotype of my house"

"Let me guess. Ravenclaw?" He nodded while turning back to Patton

"You're..." He scanned him briefly "Hufflepuff" Patton nodded confused


"I examine and replicate the methods of Sherlock Holmes from muggle fiction" Patton grinned

"So you deduced me?"

"Essentially yes. oh - bludger!" He pushed Patton down by the shoulders to duck so it hit the charms window with a crash. Gryffindor seeker Roman called over

"Sorry!"  Logan shook his head while smiling fondly 

"Watch your team's aim!" Roman rolled his eyes grinning

"Ok dear brother!" Letting go of Patton's shoulders Logan moved to walk away

"I suggest we talk out of the firing line if you want to stick with me" Patton grinned

"Sure, are you going to Honeydukes later?"

"I'm on a brain diet so i can only have sugar free foods when studying"

"Well you could ask"

"I don't like to make a fuss..." Logan looked down modestly until Patton nodded

"Ok. i'll ask"

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