Pt 4

7 1 0

Mel's P.O.V

How did it come to this? I remember running around this place going up and down row after row of grave stones mosuliums and statues. And we used to see a crowd of people morning a loss of a love one and thinking how sad it was and how bad I felt for them. But never once did I think I would be here in the cemetery morning one of my friends.

We all are standing around a rectangular hole in the ground where a simply designed mahagney casket is being lowered. Looking around at the faces of the people, you can see the sadness. Some are crying quietly, some faces are blank and some are looking away trying to delay the inevitable pain.

There's not much of us here, but we're the ones that matter. There's enough of us the complete a circle around the newly dug earth. It's getting harder for people to keep their emotions in now as the paster just goes on and on about how amazing my best friend was. He didn't even really know her, I mean it's small city but, he didn't really know her. He doesn't have the right.... he doesn't have the right..... Shit, don't cry don't cry. I can't cry now.. it's not the time. To many many people. Crap... I'm completely losing it.

Alex nudges me. I guess she sees the worry and pain in my face. She looks at me and seems to tell me... It's almost over just calm down and you'll be fine.
I just want this to be over.

As this whole ordeal is winding down, the sky darkens, the wind starts to pick up and begins to rain ever so slightly. just adding to terrible mood everyone is already in. Now people are sharing story's and poems they wrote to her.
"Does anyone else care to share a loving story." The paster asks. Soon I find myself in front of everyone.

"Hi. I don't have anything prepared but I though I should say something. As a child you play and laugh, no pain or hardship. the world is just a place where dreams came true. But then you grow into horror of modern day life. Because how ever hard you try, you can't run for ever.
And sometimes, being as cruel as the world is, without warning it decides to take lives away. It happens all the time and hurts everyone involved.
Unfortunately, this happen to a close friend of my.... the best person in the world, and I'm never going to see her again."
Tears star to role down my face as memory after memory floods back into her head.
"When people die, they tend to be forgotten over time... That's never going to happen to her. She's just loved to much. I'm sure if she was watching....."
there's a sound of foot steps from behind me and I turn. there's nothing there. God, I'm loosing it. I just to keep it together, finish talking, and walk away.
"If she was watching would say that we should just forgotten her and move on because she just that kind of person. a person who wants no one to worry about her because other people had more important things to do.
Well now we are all here for you.
She will for ever be missed and loved..."
With that I walk back into the crowd, tears streaming down my face. Now I'm just sad, wanting my best friend to still be alive. Why the hell did she have to die!

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