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I'm so sorry for not updating fast enough ! Here's a double update that'll hopefully make up for it loves, I'm so sorry, because this sequel might be less than 20 chapters depending on how it goes. 💞

They begin to move in the following weekend, and by the end of the month when the contract is up for their old flat, they’re completely out of their old dump and fully moved in.

Since the lot was already previously owned, and the people weren’t looking for bursts of money, but just looking to sell it, they no longer have to pay for rent. They also no longer have to pay for a storage unit since they have extra space to store all the stuff they learned to live without. There is a lot they do have to pay for, though, like installment, a license, supplies, electricity and heating and water.

Not only that, but they have to make payments toward the loan Louis took out to get the place, and not only that, but they still have a bit to pay off on their student loans. They’re far from the top still, but they’ve made the bottom a better place.

Louis ends up having to get another job, though. He goes to the preschool at 7:30 a.m., and he gets back between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. from his second job which is at Bath and Body Works.

He is entirely exhausted, drained and ready to sleep for a year, but then he comes back to their new home and sees everything Harry has accomplished in the bakery and in their home, anything and everything, from painting to furniture; fixing internal and external problems.

Harry still works his other job, too, but when he gets off at 2:00, he spends the rest of his time getting the bakery ready for use. He always makes sure to have dinner ready for Louis when he gets home, though, and even if it is a cheap meal, he always tries to make it as 6-star gourmet as he can.

Whilst Louis eats, he always starts him up a warm, bubbly bath.

(That’s a thing, there is no longer bottles of body soap lining the walls. It is down to just three bottles, enough for a selection in scents, and it isn’t because of their lack of money, but because from the first day of treatment, and every meeting since, Harry had dwindled down the amount he needed to be surrounded by for comfort.)

He always sits down in the bath first, waits for Louis to undress and sit down between his legs. If he’s lucky, Louis will have snatched a bath bomb to add to their bath. Harry always washes Louis’ hair; scratches his scalp, massages his neck down to his shoulders, washes over his chest, presses kisses to his wet skin. Most of the time, Louis ends up falling asleep curled against Harry’s chest. Harry never minds, though. He adds warm water to the bath, gently washes the hot water over Louis until it runs cold, and then he wakes him with a hushed murmur.

Louis always pouts, weakly standing up and then staying standing to let Harry know he wants him to dry him off. He’s tired and a bit of a baby, but Harry loves him, and he secretly loves taking care of Louis. He dries him off, kisses his nose, just like Louis has done for him in the past, and tucks him into bed.

Zayn, Liam, and Niall always stop by to help Harry with fixing the bakery up, or to even just keep him company during the day. Zayn usually hangs out with him the most since he doesn’t go to uni anymore. He helps with a lot of the painting and detailed designs, even practises his glass art for the shop. Niall and Liam always help as much as they can, but they usually just stop by to study and offer conversation.

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