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so the strawberry milk fic has finally come to an end. honestly, i never even thought it was going to get past a 100 reads.

this fic is a really personal fic to me, personal in a way i never actually intended it to get to, but hey, here we are. i know a lot of you have gone through similar experiences to the ones harry went through, and that this fic was also very personal to you as well. i really do truly understand how hard a lot of these things are to deal with, and i put a lot of myself into this fic, and a lot of what ive gone through, which again, i never really planned on doing.

and y'know, whether you've been through experiences from harry's side or louis' side or any of the characters side (or even none), i hope you guys all find your little piece of safety in the world. even if you're gonna be a loot-stealing pirate, or a professional bull rider, or like, an accountant, i hope you find that thing that makes you feel okay. even if it's strawberry milk, or your favourite book, or even a person- you deserve that.

(and a lot of people say you shouldn't find safety in other people, and i disagree completely with that. trusting someone, and being vulnerable with someone, and loving someone is all apart of finding safety in them. it's just your judgement on determining whether that person deserves to be such a huge thing to you.)

from the very beginning, i only had one person in mind whilst writing this fic. They were the reason i was able to describe (albeit with shitty metaphors) a lot of parts in this fic, because they were the person who made me feel all of those things. this fic was dedicated to my love from the  beginning. thanks for being my safety for the bit of time you were.

These sequels-are mainly what I'd imagine during the time we spent together, how our future would be, that we'd both find peace in each other and maybe, just maybe, a little one of our own.

i will always miss you, my love. you don't know what i would do to have you in my arms again instead of that framed picture of yours (honestly i wouldn't give that up either) if it wasn't for your odd, yet truly doting love for Ed Sheeran, I would've never been able to come up with titles .

Lumiere, Darling
(Light darling, light over me)

The End.


The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Why'd they take my sunshine away

To my one and only ever love,
Sincerely yours.

Lumière, Darling Where stories live. Discover now