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There's only a few more chapters I believe until the sequel is over ..... thank you

[“Lou, our love isn’t profound, it isn’t abstract, or complicated beyond belief. If anything, it is us, and us- us is beautiful.

If someone were to ask what ‘us’ is, I think I would tell them ‘it’s announcing this is your favourite song when it comes on the radio, and him turning it up so he can listen carefully.'

This- us- this connection between us, it’s enigmatic- it’s unreal. Not profound, but just really, really paradoxical- almost like a secret that only you and me have.

It’s not something intricate in the way we work. We just do. We laugh together, and get bored together, and go to dentist appointments together- and, and somehow- those are the most magical moments.

Because that’s us- that’s us- and we are happening- and that’s what we do best. We happen.

And Louis, I wanna keep happening with you until happening isn’t even a word anymore.”

“Harry, loving you, has been the most devastatingly real thing I have ever done.

And experiencing you hasn’t only been in the terms of us understanding and knowing and- and loving. It’s been in the terms of feeling everything, the good and the not good, there with you in every moment. It has always been in the moment- and-

And I’m sure I could live without you, but god knows I’d prefer never to have to experience that- because you- you’ve shown me something so beautiful, I swear I could never feel this with someone else- and- I’ve never believed in miracles, but jesus christ, Harry Styles, you taking my last name is the greatest blessing, the most miraculous honour.

And- and I’m looking at you- and trembling. Because you and me, we’ve never been about all these well thought-out sentences. You and me, and-and understanding, it’s merely always been about seeing each other.

And- I’m seeing you now- fuck- I’m seeing you now- and I just want to marry you already.”]

Louis slips the ring off of Harry’s finger on the right hand, and puts it on the one on the left hand, murmuring “I do.”

Harry only gets the chance to slip it on the left hand’s finger before Louis is grabbing him and kissing him, making Harry murmur “I do” against his lips, where it belongs.

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