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Harry and Louis Tomlinson’s wedding reception is in a white canopy tent off to the side of the wedding aisle. Inside are photos taken over the years- party-favours, a gift area, and tables of food. Instead of getting separate tables for families to eat at, they set up farmer tables, all lined up, creating one giant table, because really, they’re all one, big family.

They have wine in one ice bucket, Italian sodas in another, and jars of strawberry milk in the last one. Also, because the twins insisted, the entire roof of the canopy is filled with balloons, pink and white, in giant bundles.

When they cut the cake, it’s obvious Louis is going to shove his piece into Harry’s face, what isn’t obvious, is Harry pouring his jar of strawberry milk over Louis’ head.

Their first dance, Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap. It starts out as slow swaying, happy grins as they whisper into each other’s neck.

(“Tonight’s going to be the first time I ever suck Harry Tomlinson’s dick.”

“Believe it or not, pricks don’t change after getting married.”

“Is that a connotation, Styles?”

“Can’t call me that anymore.”

“To be honest, I was hoping we could name your dick Styles, I don't think I can give up that name just yet.”)

Then when the beat picks up, they fall from each other’s chest and grab hands, spinning in circles in a fit of laughter that everyone joins in with.

Niall tries to give the drunk, embarrassing speech, but Perrie takes his glass away and sits on his lap before he can even try to stand up, winking to Louis and Harry in reassurance.

In all, it’s a tearful day full of too many ‘aws’ and too many kisses. They wouldn’t trade it for another moment.

Once they are nearly a year married, their life finally settling back down into a normal, but happy nonetheless routine, the hinted idea of adoption pops up. It starts out when they’re watching a movie, curled up on the couch together stuffing their faces with popcorn mixed with marshmallows and m&m’s. They start talking about ‘what if we had a kid?’ which leads to them talking about how they would parent, which leads to them agreeing that they’d be the best dads ever.

Then when they go shopping together on the weekends, somehow the food aisle turns into the baby aisle, which turns into the bedding aisle, which turns into the toy aisle, which turns to them spending an entire day in one store, decorating a room in conversation, for a child they don't even have.

So suddenly, there are adoption websites on each other’s laptops first thing when they sign in, and it’s hinted in their browser history, and even in their sleepy conversations after sex.

‘If we had a kid, you’d need to learn to keep quiet, Stud.’

‘Oh, I’m sure you could find a way.’

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