This is me.

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This is a picture of Kassandra.

Hi there. My name is Kassandra, but my friends call me Kas. I am 17 years old, but I am often told that I look and act much older. I have 11 siblings, which if in case you are new to math, there are 12 children in my family. I will not rattle off all of their names, but just know that I am 1 of the 3 still alive. The ones that are alive are John and Day. Yes this is a Legend reference. If you don't know what Legend is, get a life it is amazing. I am the older than Day by 4 years, and I am older than John by 3 years. Anyway, 2 of my siblings died in car crashes. 4 of them went into the army, went MIA, and have been for almost 6 years, so we have kind of given up hope. The other 3, well, when they were at my army siblings' funerals, a person, that one of my brothers knew, planted a military grade bomb under the chapel in the middle of the ceremony. Everything went boom. I, unfortunately, was not there to protect my siblings. Oh, have I mentioned that I have super powers? I guess not, with you looking at me like, 'Whaaaaa?' Oh well. Now ya know.

Do ya want to know my powers? Of course you do. Otherwise, you would not still be reading this. So, I have what some would call inhuman strength. Not good for showing off because my parents would ship me off to a circus in a heartbeat. All they want is to be normal. In addition, when I look at someone, a number 1-10 appears in my head. Somehow, when I manifested, I just knew that the number represented how dangerous someone is to my family and me. Both of my brothers know about both of my powers, and every time I get a new one, I notify them immediately. Anyway, it has been a while since I got a new power, and I usually get them like once every 2 or 3 months, so I am kind of wondering if I am done getting powers. Oh well. Can't worry about that now.

I suppose you also want to know how I found out so much information about the person with the military bomb. Well, that was the one time that anyone saw my 'bad' side. I was like a wild bear for almost a week trying to hunt this person down so I could rip out his guts. So, yeah. My brothers helped me hunt this guy (it was not fun), and I got permission to from the government to 'break him'. I had my fun with him before I gave to be prisoner for the government. My fun means things like breaking both of his knees, his left arm, and finding the thing that made him tick so that I could get some very important information. Things like how he got the bomb (he got it from a comrade in the army), why he planted the bomb (had a grudge on my sister because she broke up with him in high school), and how he knew that I would not be there (one of my acquaintances from school. Just so that you know, I don't actually know who that person is. That is all that the bomber told me.). Some people are probably thinking about now, 'How does doing that not hang on your conscience?' The answer is 'How much do you think you could restrain if a single person DESTROYED your life and took away your favorite sibling?' Not very much, am I right? Huh. Told ya.

What do you think? leave a comment and tell me how your life is. IDK what my life is. Happy reading! Don't forget to vote and comment.


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