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Eli Quint:

"What ya doing?" Lila, an annoying and powerless girl who doesn't understand large magnitudes of danger, asked a little too inquisitively for my liking. "Oh, you know. Doing my homework and chilling', and stuff." I replied nonchalantly. Although in my head I am thinking like crazy, 'Faith, if you can hear this, please, come to me with a fake emergency. Please.' repeatedly. However, as Lila continued to inquire me, Faith never came. I mean like, her number was only a 1, but she still gave me the creeps. I soon realized that Faith is not coming because she is back at the dorm, studying for her History test that was the next day.

"Hey, Lila, Mrs. Trumer wants to see you." Says the girl that I recognize as Eli. Eli had black hair that was shoulder length with a colored streak of electric blue, dark skin, and bright blue eyes that reflected in a complementary way to her streak of hair. A number burst brightly in my head. 2. "Oh, really?" Lila countered slyly. "Yeah, she wanted me to get you so she could talk to you about something." She replies with utter confidence. "Whatever," she says before turning towards me, "okay, well then, I guess I have to go. See ya later Kas." My exact thoughts were 'only my friends get to call me that.' "Hey! What are you doing?" Eli says in a strange voice, mocking Lila. "I mean, come on." She continued in her regular voice. "Does that girl ever shut her pie hole? Oh, I'm Eli. Eli Quint." She said while turning to me. "I'm Kassandra. And until I know you better, you may not call me Kas." I stated almost darkly. "Whoa, chill. I saw the look that you gave Lila when she called you that." She replied nonchalantly.

"But, I do have a question for you." She started nervously. "Hit me with it." I stated skeptically. "Do you have.....powers? I mean like, the hunters. They told me that you had powers." Eli narrated, as if it had been practiced many times before. "Wait, you know the hunters?" I questioned. "Well, yes. I mean like, that is what I have called them since they started hunting me. I don't know what their real names are though." She replied sheepishly. "Ok. What can you do?" I questioned, wanting to get to the point of the conversation. "I can um.... Move and grab things with my mind. Also, I can um, erase memories." She said quietly with her head down. Though no matter how quiet she said that, it still came out loud and clear. "Oh, really?" I asked, astonished that she could do such things. "Yeah, would you like to see me move something with my mind?" she quizzed, as she was clearly relieved that the conversation was going well. "Um, duh." I replied with obvious curiosity. She then closed her eyes, and thrusted out her hand. Next thing I knew, the pencil that I had set down next to me was now being shoved away from me at approximately 50 miles per hour. Dang that is fast, I thought to myself.

"So, um. Does anyone else have powers here?" she wondered aloud in a light-hearted tone. "Yeah. Me, Faith Lehane, and Luna Acquista." I replied nonchalantly. "Oh, what are your powers?" she asked sweetly. "I have a danger radar, and inhuman strength. Faith can read minds and transmit messages. And Luna is a lythokinetic." I recited. "Cool." She responded. We were sitting there in awkward silence, when I had a suddenly had a great realization. "Wait, would you like to share a dorm with Luna right next to Faith and mine's?" I inquired, honestly very excited that I would not have to make Luna suffer being alone anymore. "I thought you would never ask? When can I move in?" she replied excitedly. "As soon as you can pack up all of your stuff!" I exclaim. "So later today? I haven't unpacked yet. I was really hoping to change my roommate soon so I wanted to be all ready to go in the case that the offer presented itself." She replied sheepishly. "Sure. And by the way, feel free to call me Kas." I said while walking away.

So, that was that. it was really fun to write. sorry i didnt update earlier, but the school took our computers away for a day.

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